class ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>
library: libSmatrix
#include "SVector.h"
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class ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>


 type:      source code

 created:   16. Mar 2001

 author:    Thorsten Glebe
            HERA-B Collaboration
            Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
            Saupfercheckweg 1
            69117 Heidelberg
            E-mail: T.Glebe@mpi-hd.mpg.de

 Description: A fixed size Vector class

 16 Mar 2001 (TG) creation
 21 Mar 2001 (TG) SVector::value_type added
 21 Mar 2001 (TG) added operators +=, -=, *=, /=
 26 Mar 2001 (TG) added place_at()
 03 Apr 2001 (TG) Array() added
 06 Apr 2001 (TG) CTORS added
 07 Apr 2001 (TG) CTORS added
 22 Aug 2001 (TG) CTOR(T*,len) added
 04 Sep 2001 (TG) moved inlined functions to .icc file
 14 Jan 2002 (TG) added operator==(), operator!=(), operator>(), operator<()

Function Members (Methods)

doubleapply(unsigned int i) const
const double*Array() const
const double&At(unsigned int i) const
double&At(unsigned int i)
double*begin() const
static unsigned intDim()
double*end() const
booloperator!=(const double& rhs) const
booloperator!=(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs) const
const double&operator()(unsigned int i) const
double&operator()(unsigned int i)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator*=(const double& rhs)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator+=(const double& rhs)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator+=(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator-=(const double& rhs)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator-=(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator/=(const double& rhs)
booloperator<(const double& rhs) const
booloperator<(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs) const
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator=(const double& a1)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&operator=(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>&)
booloperator==(const double& rhs) const
booloperator==(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs) const
booloperator>(const double& rhs) const
booloperator>(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs) const
const double&operator[](unsigned int i) const
double&operator[](unsigned int i)
ostream&Print(ostream& os) const
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>& rhs)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double* a, unsigned int len)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double* begin, const double* end)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4, const double& a5)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4, const double& a5, const double& a6)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4, const double& a5, const double& a6, const double& a7)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4, const double& a5, const double& a6, const double& a7, const double& a8)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4, const double& a5, const double& a6, const double& a7, const double& a8, const double& a9)
ROOT::Math::SVector<double,5>SVector<double,5>(const double& a1, const double& a2, const double& a3, const double& a4, const double& a5, const double& a6, const double& a7, const double& a8, const double& a9, const double& a10)

Data Members

enum { kSize

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

SVector<T,D>& operator=(const T& a1)
 assignment from a scalar (only for size 1 vector)
 assignment  from Vector Expression
SVector<T,D>& operator=(const VecExpr<A,T,D>& rhs)
unsigned int Dim()
 return dimension $D$
 access the parse tree. Index starts from zero
{ return D; }
T apply(unsigned int i) const
 return read-only pointer to internal array
const T* Array()
 return non-const pointer to internal array
T* Array()
iterator begin()
 @name --- STL-like interface --- 
 STL iterator interface. 
iterator end()
 STL iterator interface. 
const_iterator begin()
 STL const_iterator interface. 
const_iterator end()
 STL const_iterator interface. 
bool operator==(const T& rhs)
 @name --- Operators --- 
 element wise comparison
 element wise comparison
bool operator!=(const T& rhs)
 element wise comparison
bool operator==(const SVector<T,D>& rhs)
 element wise comparison
bool operator!=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs)
 element wise comparison
bool operator>(const T& rhs)
 element wise comparison
 element wise comparison
bool operator<(const T& rhs)
 element wise comparison
bool operator>(const SVector<T,D>& rhs)
 element wise comparison
bool operator<(const SVector<T,D>& rhs)
 element wise comparison
const T& operator[](unsigned int i)
 read-only access of vector elements. Index starts from 0.
 read-only access of vector elements. Index starts from 0.
const T& operator()(unsigned int i)
 read-only access of vector elements with check on index. Index starts from 0.
const T& At(unsigned int i)
 read/write access of vector elements. Index starts from 0.
T& operator[](unsigned int i)
 read/write access of vector elements. Index starts from 0.
T& operator()(unsigned int i)
 read/write access of vector elements with check on index. Index starts from 0.
T& At(unsigned int i)
SVector<T,D>& operator+=(const T& rhs)
 self addition with a scalar
 self subtraction with a scalar
SVector<T,D>& operator-=(const T& rhs)
 self multiplication with a scalar
SVector<T,D>& operator*=(const double& rhs)
 self division with a scalar
SVector<T,D>& operator/=(const double& rhs)
SVector<T,D>& operator+=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs)
 self addition with another vector
 self subtraction with another vector
SVector<T,D>& operator-=(const SVector<T,D>& rhs)
 self addition with a vector expression
SVector<T,D>& Unit()
 @name --- Expert functions --- 
 transform vector into a vector of lenght 1
 place a sub-vector starting from the given position
std::ostream& Print(ostream& os) const
 used by operator<<()

Last update: Mon Jun 25 19:40:56 2007

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