library: libTMVA
#include "MethodBase.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TMVA::MethodBase : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:
    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

void Init() protected:
Bool_t CheckSanity(TTree* theTree = 0) void ResetThisBase() public:
virtual ~MethodBase() void AppendToMethodName(TString methodNameSuffix) static TClass* Class() TMVA::MethodBase::CutOrientation GetCutOrientation() Double_t GetEffForRoot(Double_t) virtual Double_t GetEfficiency(TString, TTree*) vector<TString>* GetInputVars() const TString GetJobName() const TMVA::Types::MVA GetMethod() const TString GetMethodName() const virtual Double_t GetmuTransform(TTree*) virtual Double_t GetMvaValue(TMVA::Event* e) Int_t GetNvar() const virtual Double_t GetOptimalSignificance(Double_t SignalEvents, Double_t BackgroundEvents, Double_t& optimal_significance_value) const TString GetOptions() const virtual Double_t GetSeparation() virtual Double_t GetSignificance() static TMVA::MethodBase* GetThisBase() TTree* GetTrainingTree() const TString GetWeightFileDir() const TString GetWeightFileExtension() const TString GetWeightFileName() Double_t GetXmaxNorm(Int_t ivar) const Double_t GetXmaxNorm(TString var) const Double_t GetXminNorm(Int_t ivar) const Double_t GetXminNorm(TString var) const static Double_t IGetEffForRoot(Double_t) virtual void InitNorm(TTree* theTree) virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsOK() const Double_t Norm(Int_t ivar, Double_t x) const Double_t Norm(TString var, Double_t x) const TMVA::MethodBase& operator=(const TMVA::MethodBase&) virtual void PrepareEvaluationTree(TTree* theTestTree) virtual void ReadWeightsFromFile() void SetInputVars(vector<TString>* theInputVars) void SetJobName(TString jobName) void SetMethodName(TString methodName) void SetVerbose(Bool_t v = kTRUE) void SetWeightFileDir(TString fileDir) void SetWeightFileExtension(TString fileExtension) void SetWeightFileName() void SetWeightFileName(TString) void SetXmaxNorm(Int_t ivar, Double_t x) void SetXmaxNorm(TString var, Double_t x) void SetXminNorm(Int_t ivar, Double_t x) void SetXminNorm(TString var, Double_t x) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void Test(TTree* theTestTree) virtual void TestInit(TTree* theTestTree) virtual void TestInitLocal(TTree*) virtual void Train() void UpdateNorm(Int_t ivar, Double_t x) Bool_t Verbose() const virtual void WriteHistosToFile() void WriteHistosToFile(TDirectory* targetDir) virtual void WriteWeightsToFile()

Data Members

TString fFileExtension extension used in weight files (default: ".weights") TString fFileDir unix sub-directory for weight files (default: "weights") TString fWeightFile weight file name Double_t fMeanS mean (signal) Double_t fMeanB mean (background) Double_t fRmsS RMS (signal) Double_t fRmsB RMS (background) Double_t fXmin minimum (signal and background) Double_t fXmax maximum (signal and background) Bool_t fVerbose vector<Double_t>* fXminNorm minimum of input variables vector<Double_t>* fXmaxNorm maximum of input variables static TMVA::MethodBase* fgThisBase protected:
TString fJobName name of job -> user defined, appears in weight files TString fMethodName name of the method (set in derived class) TMVA::Types::MVA fMethod type of method (set in derived class) TTree* fTrainingTree training tree TString fTestvar variable used in evauation, etc (mostly the MVA) TString fTestvarPrefix 'MVA_' prefix of MVA variable vector<TString>* fInputVars vector of input variables used in MVA TString fOptions options string TDirectory* fBaseDir base director, needed to know where to jump back from localDir TDirectory* fLocalTDir local directory, used to save monitoring histograms Int_t fNvar number of input variables Bool_t fIsOK status of sanity checks TH1* fHistS_plotbin MVA plots used for graphics representation (signal) TH1* fHistB_plotbin MVA plots used for graphics representation (background) TH1* fHistS_highbin MVA plots used for efficiency calculations (signal) TH1* fHistB_highbin MVA plots used for efficiency calculations (background) TH1* fEffS efficiency plot (signal) TH1* fEffB efficiency plot (background) TH1* fEffBvsS background efficiency versus signal efficiency TH1* fRejBvsS background rejection (=1-eff.) versus signal efficiency TH1* fHistBhatS working histograms needed for mu-transform (signal) TH1* fHistBhatB working histograms needed for mu-transform (background) TH1* fHistMuS mu-transform (signal) TH1* fHistMuB mu-transform (background) Double_t fX Double_t fMode TGraph* fGraphS graphs used for splines for efficiency (signal) TGraph* fGraphB graphs used for splines for efficiency (background) TGraph* fGrapheffBvsS graphs used for splines for signal eff. versus background eff. TMVA::PDF* fSplS PDFs of MVA distribution (signal) TMVA::PDF* fSplB PDFs of MVA distribution (background) TSpline* fSpleffBvsS splines for signal eff. versus background eff. Int_t fNbins number of bins in representative histograms Int_t fNbinsH number of bins in evaluation histograms TMVA::MethodBase::CutOrientation fCutOrientation +1 if Sig>Bkg, -1 otherwise TMVA::TSpline1* fSplRefS helper splines for RootFinder (signal) TMVA::TSpline1* fSplRefB helper splines for RootFinder (background) public:
static const TMVA::MethodBase::CutOrientation kNegative static const TMVA::MethodBase::CutOrientation kPositive static const TMVA::MethodBase::Type kSignal static const TMVA::MethodBase::Type kBackground

Class Description

virtual ~MethodBase( void )
 default destructur
void Train( void )
 training method
void WriteWeightsToFile( void )
 write weights to file
void ReadWeightsFromFile( void )
 read weights from file
void PrepareEvaluationTree( TTree* theTestTree )
 prepare tree branch with the method's discriminating variable
Double_t GetMvaValue( Event *e )
 calculate the MVA value
void TestInit(TTree* theTestTree)
 evaluate method (resulting discriminating variable) or input varible
void Test( TTree * theTestTree )
 test the method
void WriteHistosToFile( void )
 write method specific histos to target file
TString GetMethodName( void )
void SetMethodName( TString methodName )
void AppendToMethodName( TString methodNameSuffix )
TString GetWeightFileExtension( void )
void SetWeightFileExtension( TString fileExtension )
TString GetWeightFileDir( void )
void SetWeightFileDir( TString fileDir )
vector<TString>* GetInputVars( void )
void SetInputVars( vector<TString>* theInputVars )
void SetWeightFileName( void )
void SetWeightFileName( TString )
TString GetWeightFileName( void )
Double_t GetOptimalSignificance( Double_t SignalEvents, Double_t BackgroundEvents, Double_t & optimal_significance_value )
void InitNorm( TTree* theTree )
 normalisation init
Double_t GetXminNorm( Int_t ivar )
 normalisation accessors
Double_t GetXmaxNorm( Int_t ivar )
Double_t GetXminNorm( TString var )
Double_t GetXmaxNorm( TString var )
void SetXminNorm( Int_t ivar, Double_t x )
void SetXmaxNorm( Int_t ivar, Double_t x )
void SetXminNorm( TString var, Double_t x )
void SetXmaxNorm( TString var, Double_t x )
void WriteHistosToFile( TDirectory* targetDir )
CutOrientation GetCutOrientation()
Bool_t Verbose( void )
void SetVerbose( Bool_t v = kTRUE )
MethodBase* GetThisBase( void )
 static pointer to this object
void ResetThisBase( void )
 reset required for RootFinder
Bool_t CheckSanity( TTree* theTree = 0 )
 series of sanity checks on input tree (eg, do all the variables really
 exist in tree, etc)
Double_t IGetEffForRoot( Double_t )
 for root finder
Double_t GetEffForRoot( Double_t )
void Init( void )
 Init used in the various constructors

Last update: Tue Jul 11 11:56:30 2006

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