library: libGeomBuilder
#include "TGeoVolumeEditor.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TGeoVolumeEditor : public TGedFrame

Inheritance Chart:

virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots() void UpdatePad() public:
TGeoVolumeEditor(const TGWindow* p, Int_t id, Int_t width = 140, Int_t height = 30, UInt_t options = kChildFrame, Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground()) TGeoVolumeEditor(const TGeoVolumeEditor&) virtual ~TGeoVolumeEditor() static TClass* Class() void DoAddNode() void DoApplyDiv() void DoDivFromTo() void DoDivN() void DoDivName() void DoDivSelAxis() void DoDivStep() void DoEditMatrix() void DoEditMedium() void DoEditShape() void DoRaytrace() void DoRemoveNode() void DoSelectMatrix() void DoSelectMedium() void DoSelectShape() void DoSelectVolume() void DoViewAll() void DoViewLeaves() void DoViewOnly() void DoVisAuto() void DoVisDaughters() void DoVisLevel() void DoVisVolume() void DoVolumeName() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void SetModel(TVirtualPad* pad, TObject* obj, Int_t event) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

TGeoManager* fGeometry Selected geometry manager TGeoTabManager* fTabMgr Tab manager TGeoVolume* fVolume Volume object Bool_t fIsModified Flag that volume was modified Bool_t fIsAssembly Flag that the volume is an assembly Bool_t fIsDivided Flag that the volume is divided TGShutter* fCategories Categories shutter TGTextEntry* fVolumeName Volume name text entry TGeoShape* fSelectedShape Selected shape TGLabel* fLSelShape Selected shape label TGPictureButton* fBSelShape Button for selecting a shape TGeoMedium* fSelectedMedium Selected medium TGLabel* fLSelMedium Selected medium label TGPictureButton* fBSelMedium Button for selecting a medium TGeoVolume* fSelectedVolume Selected volume TGLabel* fLSelVolume Selected volume label TGPictureButton* fBSelVolume Button for selecting a volume TGeoMatrix* fSelectedMatrix Selected matrix TGLabel* fLSelMatrix Selected matrix label TGPictureButton* fBSelMatrix Button for selecting a matrix TGNumberEntry* fCopyNumber Node copy number TGTextButton* fAddNode Button for adding a node TGTextButton* fEditShape Check button for shape editing TGTextButton* fEditMedium Check button for medium editing TGComboBox* fNodeList Daughters combo box TGTextButton* fEditMatrix Button for editing the position of a daughter TGTextButton* fRemoveNode Button for removing a daughter TGCheckButton* fBVis[2] Buttons for setting vis. on/off TGRadioButton* fBView[3] Radio for selecting view options TGCheckButton* fBRaytrace Raytracing on/off TGCheckButton* fBAuto Check button for auto vis level TGNumberEntry* fEVisLevel Number entry for visibility level TGTextButton* fApplyDiv Button for applying division settings TGTextEntry* fDivName Division volume name text entry TGRadioButton* fBDiv[3] Radio for selecting division type TGNumberEntry* fEDivFrom Number entry for division start TGNumberEntry* fEDivStep Number entry for division step TGNumberEntry* fEDivN Number entry for division Nslices

Class Description


 Editor for geometry volumes and assemblies of volumes. Besides the volume
name and line attributes, a TGeoVolume has the following editable categories
splitted vertically by a shutter:
- Properties: one can edit the shape and medium components from here. It is
also possible to change the existing ones.
- Daughters: the main category allowing defining, editing, removing or
positioning daughter volumes inside the current edited volume. To add a
daughter, one needs to select first a volume and a matrix. Currently no check
is performed if the daughter volume creates an extrusion (illegal for tracking).
To remove or change the position of an existing daughter, one should simply
select the desired daughter from the combo box with the existing ones, then
simply click the appropriate button.
- Visualization: One can set the visibility of the volume and of its daughters,
TGeoVolumeEditor(const TGWindow *p, Int_t id, Int_t width, Int_t height, UInt_t options, Pixel_t back)
 Constructor for volume editor.
void ConnectSignals2Slots()
 Connect signals to slots.
void DoVolumeName()
 Modify volume name.
void DoSelectShape()
 Select a new shape.
void DoSelectMedium()
 Select a new medium.
void DoSelectMatrix()
 Select a matrix for positioning.
void DoSelectVolume()
 Select a daughter volume.
void DoEditShape()
 Edit the shape of the volume.
void DoEditMedium()
 Edit the medium of the volume.
void DoEditMatrix()
 Edit the position of the selected node.
void DoAddNode()
 Add a daughter.
void DoRemoveNode()
 Remove a daughter.
void DoVisVolume()
 Slot for setting volume visible/invisible.
void DoVisDaughters()
 Slot for setting daughters visible/invisible.
void DoVisAuto()
 Slot for setting visibility depth auto.
void DoVisLevel()
 Slot for visibility level.
void DoViewAll()
 Slot for viewing volume and containers.
void DoViewLeaves()
 Slot for viewing last leaves only.
void DoViewOnly()
 Slot for viewing volume only.
void DoRaytrace()
 Slot for raytracing.
void DoDivName()
 Modify division name.
void DoDivSelAxis()
 Change division axis and preserve number of slices.
void DoDivFromTo()
 Handle division range modification.
void DoDivStep()
 Handle division step modification.
void DoDivN()
 Handle division N modification.
void DoApplyDiv()
 Apply current division settings
void UpdatePad()
 Update pad.
TGeoVolumeEditor(const TGWindow *p, Int_t id, Int_t width = 140, Int_t height = 30, UInt_t options = kChildFrame, Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground())
void SetModel(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj, Int_t event)

Author: M.Gheata
Last update: :$Name: $:$Id: TGeoVolumeEditor.cxx,v 1.5 2006/06/25 07:34:59 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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