library: libRooFit
#include "RooNumIntConfig.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class RooNumIntConfig : public TObject, public RooPrintable

Inheritance Chart:

RooNumIntConfig() RooNumIntConfig(const RooNumIntConfig& other) virtual ~RooNumIntConfig() Bool_t addConfigSection(const RooAbsIntegrator* proto, const RooArgSet& defaultConfig) static TClass* Class() static RooNumIntConfig& defaultConfig() Double_t epsAbs() const Double_t epsRel() const const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) virtual TClass* IsA() const RooCategory& method1D() const RooCategory& method1D() const RooCategory& method1DOpen() const RooCategory& method1DOpen() const RooCategory& method2D() const RooCategory& method2D() const RooCategory& method2DOpen() const RooCategory& method2DOpen() const RooCategory& methodND() const RooCategory& methodND() const RooCategory& methodNDOpen() const RooCategory& methodNDOpen() const RooNumIntConfig& operator=(const RooNumIntConfig& other) virtual void Print(Option_t* options = "0") const Bool_t printEvalCounter() const virtual void printToStream(ostream& os, RooPrintable::PrintOption opt = Standard, TString indent = ) const void setEpsAbs(Double_t newEpsAbs) void setEpsRel(Double_t newEpsRel) void setPrintEvalCounter(Bool_t newVal) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Double_t _epsAbs Absolute precision Double_t _epsRel Relative precision Bool_t _printEvalCounter Flag to control printing of function evaluation counter RooCategory _method1D Selects integration method for 1D integrals RooCategory _method2D Selects integration method for 2D integrals RooCategory _methodND Selects integration method for ND integrals RooCategory _method1DOpen Selects integration method for open ended 1D integrals RooCategory _method2DOpen Selects integration method for open ended 2D integrals RooCategory _methodNDOpen Selects integration method for open ended ND integrals RooLinkedList _configSets List of configuration sets for individual integration methods

Class Description

RooNumIntConfig& defaultConfig()
 Return reference to instance of default numeric integrator configuration object
RooNumIntConfig(const RooNumIntConfig& other)
 Copy constructor
RooNumIntConfig& operator=(const RooNumIntConfig& other)
 Prevent self-assignment
Bool_t addConfigSection(const RooAbsIntegrator* proto, const RooArgSet& defaultConfig)
 Add a configuration section for a particular integrator. Integrator name and capabilities are
 automatically determined from instance passed as 'proto'. The defaultConfig object is associated
 as the default configuration for the integrator.
RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name)
const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name)
 Retrieve configuration information specific to integrator with given name
void setEpsAbs(Double_t newEpsAbs)
 Set absolute convergence criteria (convergence if abs(Err)<newEpsAbs)
void setEpsRel(Double_t newEpsRel)
 Set relative convergence criteria (convergence if abs(Err)/abs(Int)<newEpsRel)
void printToStream(ostream &os, PrintOption opt, TString indent)
 Print contents of configuration information to stream os at level of verbosity
 specified by 'opt'
RooCategory& method1D()
 Return selected integration techniques for 1,2,N dimensional integrals
RooCategory& method2D()
RooCategory& methodND()
const RooCategory& method1D()
const RooCategory& method2D()
const RooCategory& methodND()
RooCategory& method1DOpen()
 Return selected integration techniques for 1,2,N dimensional open-ended integrals
RooCategory& method2DOpen()
RooCategory& methodNDOpen()
const RooCategory& method1DOpen()
const RooCategory& method2DOpen()
const RooCategory& methodNDOpen()
Double_t epsAbs()
 Set/get absolute and relative precision convergence criteria
Double_t epsRel()
Bool_t printEvalCounter()
 Set/get switch that activates printing of number of required
 function evaluations for each numeric integration
void setPrintEvalCounter(Bool_t newVal)
void Print(Option_t *options= 0)

Last update: Tue Jul 11 11:46:03 2006
Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *

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