library: libMathMore
#include "ParamFunction.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ROOT::Math::ParamFunction : public ROOT::Math::IParamFunction

Inheritance Chart:
    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

~ParamFunction() virtual ROOT::Math::IGenFunction* Clone() const virtual unsigned int NumberOfParameters() const virtual double operator()(double x) virtual double operator()(double x, const vector<double>& p) ROOT::Math::ParamFunction& operator=(const ROOT::Math::ParamFunction&) const vector<double>& Parameters() const virtual bool ProvidesGradient() const bool ProvidesParameterGradient() const virtual void SetParameters(const vector<double>& p)

Data Members

unsigned int fNpar bool fProvGrad bool fProvParGrad protected:
vector<double> fParams vector<double> fParGradient

Class Description

IGenFunction * Clone()
const std::vector<double> & Parameters()
void SetParameters(const std::vector<double> & p)
unsigned int NumberOfParameters()
bool ProvidesGradient()
bool ProvidesParameterGradient()

Last update: Tue Jul 11 11:46:47 2006

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