library: libThread
#include "TThread.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TThread : public TNamed

Inheritance Chart:
static void AfterCancel(TThread* th) void Constructor() virtual void DoError(Int_t level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const void ErrorHandler(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list ap) const static void* Function(void* ptr) static void Init() void SetComment(const char* txt = "0") static Int_t XARequest(const char* xact, Int_t nb, void** ar, Int_t* iret) public:
TThread(TThread::VoidRtnFunc_t fn, void* arg = 0, TThread::EPriority pri = kNormalPriority) TThread(const char* thname, TThread::VoidRtnFunc_t fn, void* arg = 0, TThread::EPriority pri = kNormalPriority) TThread(Int_t id = 0) TThread(const TThread&) virtual ~TThread() static Int_t CancelPoint() static TClass* Class() static Int_t CleanUp() static Int_t CleanUpPop(Int_t exe = 0) static Int_t CleanUpPush(void* free, void* arg = 0) virtual void Delete(Option_t* option = "") static Int_t Delete(TThread* th) static Int_t Exists() static Int_t Exit(void* ret = 0) Long_t GetId() const TThread::EPriority GetPriority() const TThread::EState GetState() const static TThread* GetThread(Long_t id) static TThread* GetThread(const char* name) static Int_t GetTime(ULong_t* absSec, ULong_t* absNanoSec) virtual TClass* IsA() const Long_t Join(void** ret = 0) static Long_t Join(Long_t id, void** ret = 0) Int_t Kill() static Int_t Kill(Long_t id) static Int_t Kill(const char* name) static Int_t Lock() TThread& operator=(const TThread&) static void Printf(const char* fmt) static void Ps() static void ps() Int_t Run(void* arg = 0) static TThread* Self() static Long_t SelfId() static Int_t SetCancelAsynchronous() static Int_t SetCancelDeferred() static Int_t SetCancelOff() static Int_t SetCancelOn() void SetPriority(TThread::EPriority pri) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) static Int_t Sleep(ULong_t secs, ULong_t nanos = 0) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) static Int_t TryLock() static void** Tsd(void* dflt, Int_t k) static Int_t UnLock() static void XAction()

Data Members

TThread* fNext pointer to next thread TThread* fPrev pointer to prev thread TThread** fHolder pointer to holder of this (delete only) TThread::EPriority fPriority thread priority TThread::EState fState thread state TThread::EState fStateComing coming thread state Long_t fId thread id Long_t fHandle Win32 thread handle Bool_t fDetached kTRUE if thread is Detached Bool_t fNamed kTRUE if thread is Named void* fFcnRetn void* start function of thread void* fFcnVoid void start function of thread void* fThreadArg thread start function arguments void* fClean support of cleanup structure void* fTsd[20] thread specific data container char fComment[100] thread specific state comment static TThreadImp* fgThreadImp static pointer to thread implementation static char* fgXAct Action name to do by main thread static void** volatilefgXArr pointer to control array of void pointers for action static Int_t fgXAnb size of array above static Int_t fgXArt return XA flag static Long_t fgMainId thread id of main thread static TThread* fgMain pointer to chain of TThread's static TMutex* fgMainMutex mutex to protect chain of threads static TMutex* fgXActMutex mutex to protect XAction static TCondition* fgXActCondi condition for XAction public:
static const TThread::EPriority kLowPriority static const TThread::EPriority kNormalPriority static const TThread::EPriority kHighPriority static const TThread::EState kInvalidState static const TThread::EState kNewState static const TThread::EState kRunningState static const TThread::EState kTerminatedState static const TThread::EState kFinishedState static const TThread::EState kCancelingState static const TThread::EState kCanceledState static const TThread::EState kDeletingState

Class Description

 This class implements threads. A thread is an execution environment  
 much lighter than a process. A single process can have multiple      
 threads. The actual work is done via the TThreadImp class (either    
 TPosixThread or TWin32Thread).                                       

TThread(VoidRtnFunc_t fn, void *arg, EPriority pri) : TNamed("<anon>", "")
 Create a thread. Specify the function or static class method
 to be executed by the thread and a pointer to the argument structure.
 The user function should return a void*. To start the thread call Run().

TThread(VoidFunc_t fn, void *arg, EPriority pri) : TNamed("<anon>", "")
 Create a detached thread. Specify the function or class method
 to be executed by the thread and a pointer to the argument structure.
 To start the thread call Run().

TThread(const char *thname, VoidRtnFunc_t fn, void *arg, EPriority pri) : TNamed(thname, "")
 Create thread with a name. Specify the function or class method
 to be executed by the thread and a pointer to the argument structure.
 The user function should return a void*. To start the thread call Run().

TThread(const char *thname, VoidFunc_t fn, void *arg, EPriority pri) : TNamed(thname, "")
 Create a detached thread with a name. Specify the function or class
 method to be executed by the thread and a pointer to the argument
 structure. To start the thread call Run().

TThread(Int_t id)
 Create a TThread for a already running thread.

void Init()
 Initialize global state and variables once.

void Constructor()
 Common thread constructor.

 Cleanup the thread.

Int_t Delete(TThread *th)
 Static method to delete the specified thread.

Int_t Exists()
 Static method to check if threads exist.
 returns the number of running threads.

void SetPriority(EPriority pri)
 Set thread priority.

TThread* GetThread(Long_t id)
 Static method to find a thread by id.

TThread* GetThread(const char *name)
 Static method to find a thread by name.

TThread* Self()
 Static method returning pointer to current thread.

Long_t Join(void **ret)
 Join this thread.

Long_t Join(Long_t jid, void **ret)
 Static method to join a thread by id.

Long_t SelfId()
 Static method returning the id for the current thread.

Int_t Run(void *arg)
 Start the thread. This starts the static method TThread::Function()
 which calls the user function specified in the TThread ctor with
 the arg argument.

Int_t Kill()
 Kill this thread.

Int_t Kill(Long_t id)
 Static method to kill the thread by id.

Int_t Kill(const char *name)
 Static method to kill thread by name.

Int_t SetCancelOff()
 Static method to turn off thread cancellation.

Int_t SetCancelOn()
 Static method to turn on thread cancellation.

Int_t SetCancelAsynchronous()
 Static method to set asynchronous cancellation.

Int_t SetCancelDeferred()
 Static method to set deffered cancellation.

Int_t CancelPoint()
 Static method to set a cancellation point.

Int_t CleanUpPush(void *free, void *arg)
 Static method which pushes thread cleanup method on stack.
 Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

Int_t CleanUpPop(Int_t exe)
 Static method which pops thread cleanup method off stack.
 Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

Int_t CleanUp()
 Static method to cleanup the calling thread.

void AfterCancel(TThread *th)
 Static method which is called after the thread has been canceled.

Int_t Exit(void *ret)
 Static method which terminates the execution of the calling thread.

Int_t Sleep(ULong_t secs, ULong_t nanos)
 Static method to sleep the calling thread.

Int_t GetTime(ULong_t *absSec, ULong_t *absNanoSec)
 Static method to get the current time. Returns
 the number of seconds.

Int_t Lock()
 Static method to lock the main thread mutex.

Int_t TryLock()
 Static method to try to lock the main thread mutex.

Int_t UnLock()
 Static method to unlock the main thread mutex.

void* Function(void *ptr)
 Static method which is called by the system thread function and
 which in turn calls the actual user function.

void Ps()
 Static method listing the existing threads.

void** Tsd(void *dflt, Int_t k)
 Static method returning a pointer to thread specific data container
 of the calling thread.

void Printf(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
 Static method providing a thread safe printf. Appends a newline.

void ErrorHandler(int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list ap) const
 Thread specific error handler function.
 It calls the user set error handler in the main thread.

void DoError(int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const
 Interface to ErrorHandler. User has to specify the class name as
 part of the location, just like for the global Info(), Warning() and
 Error() functions.

Int_t XARequest(const char *xact, Int_t nb, void **ar, Int_t *iret)
 Static method used to allow commands to be executed by the main thread.

void XAction()
 Static method called via the thread timer to execute in the main
 thread certain commands. This to avoid sophisticated locking and
 possible deadlocking.

Inline Functions

                      void SetComment(const char* txt = "0")
        TThread::EPriority GetPriority() const
           TThread::EState GetState() const
                    Long_t GetId() const
                      void ps()
                     Int_t Delete(TThread* th)
                   TClass* Class()
                   TClass* IsA() const
                      void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                      void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                      void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                  TThread& operator=(const TThread&)

Author: Fons Rademakers 02/07/97
Last update: root/thread:$Name: $:$Id: TThread.cxx,v 1.40 2006/02/09 20:46:23 pcanal Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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