library: libRGL
#include "TGLSAViewer.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TGLSAViewer : public TGLViewer

Inheritance Chart:
TGLSAViewer(const TGLSAViewer&) void CreateViewer() TGLSAViewer& operator=(const TGLSAViewer&) protected:
virtual void ClipChanged() virtual void PostSceneBuildSetup() virtual void SelectionChanged() public:
TGLSAViewer(TVirtualPad* pad) ~TGLSAViewer() static TClass* Class() void Close() virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t ProcessFrameMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t) void ProcessGUIEvent(Int_t id) void Show() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

TGLSAFrame* fFrame TGCompositeFrame* fCompositeFrame TGVerticalFrame* fV1 TGVerticalFrame* fV2 TGLayoutHints* fL1 TGLayoutHints* fL2 TGLayoutHints* fL3 TGLayoutHints* fCanvasLayout TGMenuBar* fMenuBar TGPopupMenu* fFileMenu TGPopupMenu* fCameraMenu TGPopupMenu* fHelpMenu TGLayoutHints* fMenuBarLayout TGLayoutHints* fMenuBarItemLayout TGLayoutHints* fMenuBarHelpLayout TGCanvas* fCanvasWindow TGLRenderArea* fGLArea TGTab* fEditorTab TGTab* fShapesTab TGTab* fSceneTab TGLColorEditor* fColorEditor Under shapes TGLGeometryEditor* fGeomEditor Under shapes TGLClipEditor* fClipEditor Under scene TGLLightEditor* fLightEditor Under scene TGLGuideEditor* fGuideEditor Under scene static const Int_t fgInitX static const Int_t fgInitY static const Int_t fgInitW static const Int_t fgInitH static const char* fgHelpText public:
static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLHelpAbout static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLHelpViewer static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLXOY static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLXOZ static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLZOY static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPerspYOZ static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPerspXOZ static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPerspXOY static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPrintEPS_SIMPLE static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPrintEPS_BSP static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPrintPDF_SIMPLE static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLPrintPDF_BSP static const TGLSAViewer::EGLSACommands kGLExit

Class Description

 The top level standalone viewer object - created via plugin manager. 

TGLSAViewer(TVirtualPad * pad) : TGLViewer(pad, fgInitX, fgInitY, fgInitW, fgInitH), fFrame(0), fCompositeFrame(0), fV1(0), fV2(0), fL1(0), fL2(0), fL3(0), fCanvasLayout(0), fMenuBar(0), fFileMenu(0), fCameraMenu(0), fHelpMenu(0), fMenuBarLayout(0), fMenuBarItemLayout(0), fMenuBarHelpLayout(0), fCanvasWindow(0), fEditorTab(0), fShapesTab(0), fSceneTab(0), fColorEditor(0), fGeomEditor(0), fClipEditor(0), fLightEditor(0), fGuideEditor(0)
 Construct a standalone viewer, bound to supplied 'pad'.

 Destroy standalone viewer object

void Show()
 Show the viewer

void Close()
 Close the viewer - destructed

Bool_t ProcessFrameMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t)
 Process GUI message capture by the main GUI frame (TGLSAFrame)

void ProcessGUIEvent(Int_t wid)
 Process GUI event generated by GUI components - TGLEditor derivived classes

void SelectionChanged()
 Update GUI components for embedded viewer selection change

void ClipChanged()
 Update GUI components for embedded viewer clipping change

void PostSceneBuildSetup()
 Do setup work required after a scene build has completed.
 Synconise the viewer GUI with new clips, guides etc

Inline Functions

                void CreateViewer()
        TGLSAViewer& operator=(const TGLSAViewer&)
         TGLSAViewer TGLSAViewer(TVirtualPad* pad)
             TClass* Class()
             TClass* IsA() const
                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Author: Timur Pocheptsov / Richard Maunder
Last update: root/gl:$Name: $:$Id: TGLSAViewer.cxx,v 1.15 2006/01/26 11:59:41 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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