library: libGFAL
#include "TGFALFile.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TGFALSystem : public TSystem

Inheritance Chart:
virtual void* GetDirPtr() const public:
TGFALSystem() TGFALSystem(const TGFALSystem&) virtual ~TGFALSystem() virtual Bool_t AccessPathName(const char* path, EAccessMode mode) static TClass* Class() virtual void FreeDirectory(void* dirp) virtual const char* GetDirEntry(void* dirp) const virtual Int_t GetPathInfo(const char* path, FileStat_t& buf) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Int_t MakeDirectory(const char* name) virtual void* OpenDirectory(const char* name) TGFALSystem& operator=(const TGFALSystem&) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

void* fDirp directory handler

Class Description

 A TGFALFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes   
 its data via the underlaying Grid access mechanism.                  
 TGFALFile file names are either a logical file name, a guid, an      
 SURL or a TURL, like:                                                
 Grid storage interactions today require using several existing       
 software components:                                                 
  - The replica catalog services to locate valid replicas of          
  - The SRM software to ensure:                                       
     - files  exist on disk (they are recalled from mass              
       storage if necessary) or                                       
     - space is allocated on disk for new files (they are possibly    
       migrated to mass storage later)                                
  - A file access mechanism to access files from the storage          
    system on the worker node.                                        
 The GFAL library hides these interactions and presents a Posix       
 interface for the I/O operations. The currently supported protocols  
 are: file for local access, dcap, gsidcap and kdcap (dCache access   
 protocol) and rfio (CASTOR access protocol).                         
 File naming convention:                                              
 A file name can be a Logical File Name (LFN), a Grid Unique          
 IDentifier (GUID), a file replica (SURL) or a Transport file         
 name (TURL):                                                         
     an LFN starts with lfn:                                          
        for example lfn:baud/testgfal15                               
     a GUID starts with guid:                                         
        for example guid:2cd59291-7ae7-4778-af6d-b1f423719441         
     an SURL starts with srm://                                       
         for example srm://             
      a TURL starts with a protocol name:                             
          for example rfio:////castor/  
 Note that for the TGFALFile plugin to work, all these pathnames      
 should be prepended by gfal:.                                        

TGFALSystem() : TSystem("-gfal", "GFAL Helper System")
 Create helper class that allows directory access via GFAL.

Int_t MakeDirectory(const char *dir)
 Make a directory via GFAL.

void* OpenDirectory(const char *dir)
 Open a directory via GFAL. Returns an opaque pointer to a dir
 structure. Returns 0 in case of error.

void FreeDirectory(void *dirp)
 Free directory via GFAL.

const char* GetDirEntry(void *dirp)
 Get directory entry via GFAL. Returns 0 in case no more entries.

Int_t GetPathInfo(const char *path, FileStat_t &buf)
 Get info about a file. Info is returned in the form of a FileStat_t
 structure (see TSystem.h).
 The function returns 0 in case of success and 1 if the file could
 not be stat'ed.

Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode)
 Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode.
 Mode is the same as for the Unix access(2) function.
 Attention, bizarre convention of return value!!

Inline Functions

                void ~TGFALSystem()
               void* GetDirPtr() const
             TClass* Class()
             TClass* IsA() const
                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         TGFALSystem TGFALSystem(const TGFALSystem&)
        TGFALSystem& operator=(const TGFALSystem&)

Author: Fons Rademakers 8/12/2005
Last update: root/gfal:$Name: $:$Id: TGFALFile.cxx,v 1.3 2006/02/24 08:55:26 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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