library: libEG
#include "TDatabasePDG.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TDatabasePDG : public TNamed

Inheritance Chart:

TDatabasePDG() TDatabasePDG(const TDatabasePDG&) virtual ~TDatabasePDG() virtual TParticlePDG* AddAntiParticle(const char* Name, Int_t PdgCode) virtual TParticlePDG* AddParticle(const char* Name, const char* Title, Double_t Mass, Bool_t Stable, Double_t DecayWidth, Double_t Charge, const char* ParticleClass, Int_t PdgCode, Int_t Anti = -1, Int_t TrackingCode = 0) virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b) static TClass* Class() virtual Int_t ConvertGeant3ToPdg(Int_t Geant3Number) virtual Int_t ConvertIsajetToPdg(Int_t isaNumber) TParticlePDG* GetParticle(Int_t pdgCode) const TParticlePDG* GetParticle(const char* name) const TParticleClassPDG* GetParticleClass(const char* name) static TDatabasePDG* Instance() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsFolder() const TDatabasePDG& operator=(const TDatabasePDG&) const THashList* ParticleList() const virtual void Print(Option_t* opt) const virtual void ReadPDGTable(const char* filename) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual Int_t WritePDGTable(const char* filename)

Data Members

static TDatabasePDG* fgInstance protect against multiple instances THashList* fParticleList list of PDG particles TObjArray* fListOfClasses list of classes (leptons etc.)

Class Description

  Particle database manager class

  This manager creates a list of particles which by default is
  initialised from with the constants used by PYTHIA6 (plus some
  other particles added). See definition and the format of the default
  particle list in $ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt

  there are 2 ways of redefining the name of the file containing the
  particle properties

  1. one can define the name in .rootrc file:

  Root.DatabasePDG: $(HOME)/my_pdg_table.txt

  2. one can use TDatabasePDG::ReadPDGTable method explicitly:

     - TDatabasePDG *pdg = new TDatabasePDG();
     - pdg->ReadPDGtable(filename)

  See TParticlePDG for the description of a static particle properties.
  See TParticle    for the description of a dynamic particle particle.

TDatabasePDG(): TNamed("PDGDB","The PDG particle data base")
 Create PDG database. Initialization of the DB has to be done via explicit
 call to ReadDataBasePDG (also done by GetParticle methods)

 Cleanup the PDG database.

TDatabasePDG* Instance()
static function

TParticlePDG* AddParticle(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t mass, Bool_t stable, Double_t width, Double_t charge, const char* ParticleClass, Int_t PDGcode, Int_t Anti, Int_t TrackingCode)
  Particle definition normal constructor. If the particle is set to be
  stable, the decay width parameter does have no meaning and can be set to
  any value. The parameters granularity, LowerCutOff and HighCutOff are
  used for the construction of the mean free path look up tables. The
  granularity will be the number of logwise energy points for which the
  mean free path will be calculated.

TParticlePDG* AddAntiParticle(const char* Name, Int_t PdgCode)
 assuming particle has already been defined

TParticlePDG* GetParticle(const char *name) const
  Get a pointer to the particle object according to the name given

TParticlePDG* GetParticle(Int_t PDGcode) const
  Get a pointer to the particle object according to the MC code number

void Print(Option_t *option) const
 Print contents of PDG database.

Int_t ConvertGeant3ToPdg(Int_t Geant3number)
 Converts Geant3 particle codes to PDG convention. (Geant4 uses
 PDG convention already)
 Source: BaBar User Guide, Neil I. Geddes,

/* see Conversion table */
 with some fixes by PB, marked with (PB) below. Checked against
 PDG listings from 2000.

 Paul Balm, Nov 19, 2001

Int_t ConvertIsajetToPdg(Int_t isaNumber)
  Converts the ISAJET Particle number into the PDG MC number

void ReadPDGTable(const char *FileName)
 read list of particles from a file
 if the particle list does not exist, it is created, otherwise
 particles are added to the existing list
 See $ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt to see the file format

void Browse(TBrowser* b)

Int_t WritePDGTable(const char * /*filename*/)
 write contents of the particle DB into a file

Inline Functions

        TParticleClassPDG* GetParticleClass(const char* name)
          const THashList* ParticleList() const
                    Bool_t IsFolder() const
                   TClass* Class()
                   TClass* IsA() const
                      void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                      void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                      void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
              TDatabasePDG TDatabasePDG(const TDatabasePDG&)
             TDatabasePDG& operator=(const TDatabasePDG&)

Author: Pasha Murat 12/02/99
Last update: root/eg:$Name: $:$Id: TDatabasePDG.cxx,v 1.20 2002/12/02 18:50:02 rdm Exp $

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