// @(#)root/geom:$Name: $:$Id: TGeoPolygon.cxx,v 1.3 2004/04/22 14:07:14 brun Exp $
// Author: Mihaela Gheata 5/01/04
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// TGeoPolygon - Arbitrary polygon class
// A polygon is a 2D shape defined by vertices in the XY plane. It is used by
// TGeoXtru class for computing Contains() and Safety(). Only the pointers to
// the actual lists of XY values are used - these are not owned by the class.
// To check if a point in XY plane is contained by a polygon, this is splitted
// into an outscribed convex polygon and the remaining polygons of its subtracton
// from the outscribed one. A point is INSIDE if it is
// contained by the outscribed polygon but NOT by the remaining ones. Since these
// can also be arbitrary polygons at their turn, a tree structure is formed:
// P = Pconvex - (Pconvex-P) where (-) means 'subtraction'
// Pconvex-P = P1 + P2 + ... where (+) means 'union'
// *Note that P1, P2, ... do not intersect each other and they are defined
// by subsets of the list of vertices of P. They can be splitted in the same
// way as P*
// Therefore, if C(P) represents the Boolean : 'does P contains a given point?',
// then:
// C(P) = C(Pconvex) .and. not(C(P1) | C(P2) | ...)
// For creating a polygon without TGeoXtru class, one has to call the constructor
// TGeoPolygon(nvert) and then SetXY(Double_t *x, Double_t *y) providing the
// arrays of X and Y vertex positions (defined clockwise) that have to 'live' longer
// than the polygon they will describe. This complication is due to efficiency reasons.
// At the end one has to call the FinishPolygon() method.
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TGeoPolygon.h"
// Dummy constructor.
fNvert = 0;
fNconvex = 0;
fInd = 0;
fIndc = 0;
fX = 0;
fY = 0;
fDaughters = 0;
TObject::SetBit(kGeoFinishPolygon, kFALSE);
TGeoPolygon::TGeoPolygon(Int_t nvert)
// Default constructor.
if (nvert<3) {
Fatal("Ctor", "Invalid number of vertices %i", nvert);
fNvert = nvert;
fNconvex = 0;
fInd = new Int_t[nvert];
fIndc = 0;
fX = 0;
fY = 0;
fDaughters = 0;
TObject::SetBit(kGeoFinishPolygon, kFALSE);
// printf("=== Polygon with %i vertices\n", fNvert);
// Destructor
if (fInd) delete [] fInd;
if (fIndc) delete [] fIndc;
if (fDaughters) {
delete fDaughters;
Bool_t TGeoPolygon::Contains(Double_t *point) const
// Check if a point given by X = point[0], Y = point[1] is inside the polygon.
Int_t i;
TGeoPolygon *poly;
for (i=0; i<fNconvex; i++)
if (!IsRightSided(point, fIndc[i], fIndc[(i+1)%fNconvex])) return kFALSE;
if (!fDaughters) return kTRUE;
Int_t nd = fDaughters->GetEntriesFast();
for (i=0; i<nd; i++) {
poly = (TGeoPolygon*)fDaughters->UncheckedAt(i);
if (poly->Contains(point)) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
void TGeoPolygon::ConvexCheck()
// Check polygon convexity.
if (fNvert==3) {
Int_t j,k;
Double_t point[2];
for (Int_t i=0; i<fNvert; i++) {
j = (i+1)%fNvert;
k = (i+2)%fNvert;
point[0] = fX[fInd[k]];
point[1] = fY[fInd[k]];
if (!IsRightSided(point, fInd[i], fInd[j])) return;
void TGeoPolygon::FinishPolygon()
// check convexity
// find outscribed convex polygon indices
if (IsConvex()) {
// printf(" -> polygon convex -> same indices\n");
memcpy(fIndc, fInd, fNvert*sizeof(Int_t));
// printf(" -> polygon NOT convex\n");
// printf("Convex indices:\n");
// for (Int_t i=0; i<fNconvex; i++) printf(" %i ",fInd[fIndc[i]]);
// printf("\n");
// make daughters if necessary
if (IsConvex()) return;
// ... algorithm here
if (!fDaughters) fDaughters = new TObjArray();
TGeoPolygon *poly = 0;
Int_t indconv = 0;
Int_t indnext, indback;
Int_t nskip;
while (indconv < fNconvex) {
indnext = (indconv+1)%fNconvex;
nskip = fIndc[indnext]-fIndc[indconv];
if (nskip<0) nskip+=fNvert;
if (nskip==1) {
// gap -> make polygon
// printf(" making daughter with %i vertices\n", nskip+1);
poly = new TGeoPolygon(nskip+1);
indback = fIndc[indnext]-1;
if (indback < 0) indback+=fNvert;
while (indback != fIndc[indconv]) {
if (indback < 0) indback+=fNvert;
for (indconv=0; indconv<fNconvex; indconv++) fIndc[indconv] = fInd[fIndc[indconv]];
Bool_t TGeoPolygon::IsRightSided(Double_t *point, Int_t ind1, Int_t ind2) const
// Check if POINT is right-sided with respect to the segment defined by IND1 and IND2.
Double_t dot = (point[0]-fX[ind1])*(fY[ind2]-fY[ind1]) -
if (dot<0) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGeoPolygon::IsSegConvex(Int_t i1, Int_t i2) const
// Check if a segment [0..fNvert-1] belongs to the outscribed convex pgon.
if (i2<0) i2=(i1+1)%fNvert;
Double_t point[2];
for (Int_t i=0; i<fNvert; i++) {
if (i==i1 || i==i2) continue;
point[0] = fX[fInd[i]];
point[1] = fY[fInd[i]];
if (!IsRightSided(point, fInd[i1], fInd[i2])) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
void TGeoPolygon::OutscribedConvex()
// Compute indices for the outscribed convex polygon.
fNconvex = 0;
Int_t iseg = 0;
Int_t ivnew;
Bool_t conv;
Int_t *indconv = new Int_t[fNvert];
memset(indconv, 0, fNvert*sizeof(Int_t));
while (iseg<fNvert) {
if (!IsSegConvex(iseg)) {
if (iseg+2 > fNvert) break;
ivnew = (iseg+2)%fNvert;
conv = kFALSE;
// check iseg with next vertices
while (ivnew) {
if (IsSegConvex(iseg, ivnew)) {
conv = kTRUE;
ivnew = (ivnew+1)%fNvert;
if (!conv) {
} else {
ivnew = (iseg+1)%fNvert;
// segment belonging to convex outscribed poligon
if (!fNconvex) indconv[fNconvex++] = iseg;
else if (indconv[fNconvex-1] != iseg) indconv[fNconvex++] = iseg;
if (iseg<fNvert-1) indconv[fNconvex++] = ivnew;
if (ivnew<iseg) break;
iseg = ivnew;
if (!fNconvex) {
Fatal("OutscribedConvex","cannot build outscribed convex");
fIndc = new Int_t[fNconvex];
memcpy(fIndc, indconv, fNconvex*sizeof(Int_t)); // does not contain real indices yet
delete [] indconv;
Double_t TGeoPolygon::Safety(Double_t *point, Int_t &isegment) const
// Compute minimum distance from POINT to any segment. Returns segment index.
Int_t i1, i2;
Double_t p1[2], p2[3];
Double_t lsq, ssq, dx, dy, dpx, dpy, u;
Double_t safe=1E30;
Int_t isegmin=0;
for (i1=0; i1<fNvert; i1++) {
if (safe==0.) {
isegment = isegmin;
return 0.;
i2 = (i1+1)%fNvert;
p1[0] = fX[i1];
p1[1] = fY[i1];
p2[0] = fX[i2];
p2[1] = fY[i2];
dx = p2[0] - p1[0];
dy = p2[1] - p1[1];
dpx = point[0] - p1[0];
dpy = point[1] - p1[1];
lsq = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (lsq==0) {
ssq = dpx*dpx + dpy*dpy;
if (ssq < safe) {
safe = ssq;
isegmin = i1;
u = (dpx*dx + dpy*dy)/lsq;
if (u>1) {
dpx = point[0]-p2[0];
dpy = point[1]-p2[1];
} else {
if (u>=0) {
dpx -= u*dx;
dpy -= u*dy;
ssq = dpx*dpx + dpy*dpy;
if (ssq < safe) {
safe = ssq;
isegmin = i1;
isegment = isegmin;
safe = TMath::Sqrt(safe);
// printf("== segment %d: (%f, %f) - (%f, %f) safe=%f\n", isegment, fX[isegment],fY[isegment],fX[(isegment+1)%fNvert],fY[(isegment+1)%fNvert],safe);
return safe;
void TGeoPolygon::SetNextIndex(Int_t index)
// Sets the next polygone index. If index<0 sets all indices consecutive
// in increasing order.
if (index <0) {
for (Int_t i=0; i<fNvert; i++) fInd[i] = i;
if (fNconvex >= fNvert) {
Error("SetNextIndex", "all indices already set");
fInd[fNconvex++] = index;
// printf(" %i ", index);
// if (fNconvex == fNvert) printf ("\n");
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