library: libCore
#include "TBits.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TBits : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:
void ReserveBytes(UInt_t nbytes) public:
TBits(UInt_t nbits = 8) TBits(const TBits&) virtual ~TBits() static TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t* option) void Compact() UInt_t CountBits(UInt_t startBit = 0) const UInt_t FirstNullBit(UInt_t startBit = 0) const UInt_t FirstSetBit(UInt_t startBit = 0) const void Get(Char_t* array) const void Get(UChar_t* array) const void Get(Short_t* array) const void Get(UShort_t* array) const void Get(Int_t* array) const void Get(UInt_t* array) const void Get(Long64_t* array) const void Get(ULong64_t* array) const UInt_t GetNbits() const UInt_t GetNbytes() const virtual TClass* IsA() const TBits& operator=(const TBits&) Bool_t operator==(const TBits& other) const virtual void Paint(Option_t* option) virtual void Print(Option_t* option) const void ResetAllBits(Bool_t value = kFALSE) void ResetBitNumber(UInt_t bitnumber) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Char_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const UChar_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Short_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const UShort_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Int_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const UInt_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Long64_t* array) void Set(UInt_t nbits, const ULong64_t* array) void SetBitNumber(UInt_t bitnumber, Bool_t value = kTRUE) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) Bool_t TestBitNumber(UInt_t bitnumber) const

Data Members

UInt_t fNbits Number of bits (around fNbytes*8) UInt_t fNbytes Number of UChars in fAllBits UChar_t* fAllBits [fNbytes] array of UChars

Class Description

TBits(UInt_t nbits) : fNbits(nbits)
 TBits constructor.  All bits set to 0

TBits(const TBits &original) : TObject(original), fNbits(original.fNbits), fNbytes(original.fNbytes)
 TBits copy constructor

 TBits destructor

void Clear(Option_t * /*option*/)

void Compact()
 Reduce the storage used by the object to a minimun

UInt_t CountBits(UInt_t startBit) const
 Return number of bits set to 1 starting at bit startBit

UInt_t FirstNullBit(UInt_t startBit) const
 Return position of first null bit

UInt_t FirstSetBit(UInt_t startBit) const
 Return position of first non null bit

void Paint(Option_t *)
 Once implemented, it will draw the bit field as an histogram.
 use the TVirtualPainter as the usual trick

void Print(Option_t *) const
 Print the list of active bits

void ResetAllBits(Bool_t)
 Reset all bits to 0 (false).

void ReserveBytes(UInt_t nbytes)

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Char_t *array)

void Get(Char_t *array) const

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Short_t *array)

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Int_t *array)

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Long64_t *array)

void Get(Short_t *array) const

void Get(Int_t *array) const

void Get(Long64_t *array) const

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Short_t *array)
 make nbytes even so that the loop below is neat.

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Int_t *array)
 make nbytes a multiple of 4 so that the loop below is neat.

void Set(UInt_t nbits, const Long64_t *array)
 make nbytes a multiple of 8 so that the loop below is neat.

void Get(Short_t *array) const

void Get(Int_t *array) const

void Get(Long64_t *array) const

Inline Functions

             TBits& operator=(const TBits&)
               void ResetBitNumber(UInt_t bitnumber)
               void SetBitNumber(UInt_t bitnumber, Bool_t value = kTRUE)
             Bool_t TestBitNumber(UInt_t bitnumber) const
               void Set(UInt_t nbits, const ULong64_t* array)
               void Get(ULong64_t* array) const
             UInt_t GetNbits() const
             UInt_t GetNbytes() const
             Bool_t operator==(const TBits& other) const
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Author: Philippe Canal 05/02/2001
Last update: root/base:$Name: $:$Id: TBits.cxx,v 1.16 2004/01/26 11:52:40 brun Exp $

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