Re: root with eclipse

From: Emilio Salazar <>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:02:39 +0100

Bertrand and Philippe, Thanks a lot for your help . I will do that.


El 18/03/2011 10:21, Bertrand Bellenot escribió:
> Hi Emilio,
> See my previous mail: On Windows, you can link against all the libraries present in $ROOTSYS/lib
> Cheers, Bertrand.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Emilio Salazar
> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 10:22
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [ROOT] root with eclipse
> Thank you Philippe for your help.
> But I am working on Windows as ZhangYiChun and this command seems a bash
> shell script isn't it?
> Emilio.
> El 18/03/2011 10:13, Philippe Canal escribi¨®:
>> Hi Emilio,
>> Please note that you execute 'root[space]-config[space]--libs'
>> while you need to execute 'root-config --libs'. i.e. the name of the
>> executable
>> is without any spaces: 'root' dash 'config' and should issue without
>> arguement:
>> $ root-config
>> Usage: root-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--version]
>> [--cflags] [--auxcflags] [--ldflags] [--new] [--nonew] [--libs]
>> [--glibs] [--bindir] [--libdir] [--incdir] [--etcdir] [--noauxcflags]
>> [--noauxlibs] [--noldflags] [--has-<feature>] [--arch] [--platform]
>> [--dicttype] [--config] [--features] [--svn-revision]
>> [--python-version] [--cc] [--cxx] [--f77] [--ld ] [--help]
>> Cheers,
>> Philippe.
>> On 3/18/11 4:11 AM, Emilio Salazar wrote:
>>> Hi, there.
>>> I have the same problem, and
>>> I did as suggested and executed:
>>> root-config --libs
>>> (result below)
>>> All these libs reference unexisiting paths. Am I doing something wrong
>>> Thanks,.
>>> Emilio.
>>> C:\Users\esalazar>root -config --libs
>>> ROOT ./configure options:
>>> QTDIR=l:/external/qt/4.6.3.p1/win32_vc71
>>> PYTHONDIR=l:/external/Python/2.5.4/win3
>>> 2_vc71 XMLDIR=c:/home/bellenot/libs/libxml2-2.6.23 win32
>>> --enable-castor --enabl
>>> e-cintex --enable-gdml --enable-genvector --enable-mathmore
>>> --enable-minuit2 --e
>>> nable-mysql --enable-odbc --enable-oracle --enable-python
>>> --enable-qtgsi --enabl
>>> e-reflex --enable-rfio --enable-roofit --enable-table --enable-tmva
>>> --enable-unu
>>> ran --enable-xrootd
>>> --with-castor-libdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/Castor/lib --with
>>> -castor-incdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/Castor/include/shift
>>> --with-fftw3-incdir=l:
>>> /external/fftw3/3.1.2/win32_vc71/include
>>> --with-fftw3-libdir=l:/external/fftw3/3
>>> .1.2/win32_vc71/lib
>>> --with-gccxml=l:/external/gccxml/0.9.0_20100114/win32_vc71/b
>>> in --with-gsl-incdir=l:/external/GSL/1.10/win32_vc71/include
>>> --with-gsl-libdir=l
>>> :/external/GSL/1.10/win32_vc71/lib
>>> --with-mysql-incdir=l:/external/mysql/5.1.45/
>>> win32_vc71/include
>>> --with-mysql-libdir=l:/external/mysql/5.1.45/win32_vc71/lib/o
>>> pt
>>> --with-oracle-incdir=l:/external/oracle/
>>> --with-or
>>> acle-libdir=l:/external/oracle/
>>> --with-pythia6-libdir=c:/
>>> home/bellenot/libs/pythia6
>>> --with-pythia8-libdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/pythia8/l
>>> ib/Release
>>> --with-pythia8-incdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/pythia8/include --with-py
>>> thon-incdir=l:/external/Python/2.5.4/win32_vc71/include
>>> --with-python-libdir=l:/
>>> external/Python/2.5.4/win32_vc71/libs
>>> --with-rfio-libdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/C
>>> astor/lib
>>> --with-rfio-incdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/Castor/include/shift --with-x
>>> ml-incdir=c:/home/bellenot/libs/libxml2-2.6.23/include
>>> --with-xml-libdir=c:/home
>>> /bellenot/libs/libxml2-2.6.23/lib
>>> --with-gviz-incdir=C:/home/bellenot/libs/graph
>>> viz-2.24/include/graphviz
>>> --with-gviz-libdir=C:/home/bellenot/libs/graphviz-2.24
>>> /lib
>>> El 17/03/2011 21:51, Philippe Canal escribi¨®:
>>>>> Should I need to add any extra .lib files?
>>>> yes, you should add at least the result of
>>>> root-config --libs
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Philippe
>>>> On 3/17/11 10:46 AM, wrote:
>>>>> Hi, rooters
>>>>> I have downloaded root v5.27/06 for windows and installed it
>>>>> Now I want to use eclipse to do something with root.
>>>>> In eclipse ¡°Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->GCC C++
>>>>> Compiler->Includes¡±£¬I set
>>>>> ¡°C:\root\include¡±, and in ¡°Project->Properties->C/C++
>>>>> Build->Settings->MinGW C++ Linker->Labraries¡±,I set "C:\root\lib",
>>>>> for I installed root in my C: disk.
>>>>> But when I compiling a simple program as:
>>>>> #include "../Object.h"
>>>>> #include<iostream>
>>>>> #include "TFile.h"
>>>>> #include "TTree.h"
>>>>> #include "TChain.h"
>>>>> class SimG4Cnv : public Object
>>>>> {
>>>>> public:
>>>>> SimG4Cnv();
>>>>> virtual ~SimG4Cnv();
>>>>> virtual const char* getClassName();
>>>>> virtual SimG4Cnv* getInstance();
>>>>> virtual SimG4Cnv* clone();
>>>>> virtual SimG4Cnv* getThis();
>>>>> virtual void print();
>>>>> };
>>>>> #endif /* SIMG4CNV_H_ */
>>>>> There is one error£ºC:/root/include/TVersionCheck.h:34: undefined
>>>>> reference to `TVersionCheck::TVersionCheck(int)'
>>>>> I don¡¯t konw why there is such an error. I think that the eclipse
>>>>> has recognized the TFile.h, TTree.h and TChain.h. Should I need to
>>>>> add any extra .lib files?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> ZhangYiChun
>>>>> Institute of High Energy Physics
>>>>> Yuquan street 19£¬ Shijingshan district, Beijing, China
>>>>> EMail:
Received on Fri Mar 18 2011 - 11:00:53 CET

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