Re: Compiling root 5.28

From: Antonio Salvucci <>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 10:28:48 +0100

Hi Lukas,

On Thursday 03 March 2011 10:11:48 Lukas Pribyl wrote:
> Hi Antonio,
> thanks a lot for your reply. I am bit surprised that making debian
> package requires running "make static".

if you read with more attention debian rules you can see that the process run also the make static :)


In fact make debian is only a summary command to compile :)

I explained you all hidden commands during the compilation process, but to compile you need only "make debian", as written in the README/INSTALL file. Unfortunately there're a lot of other things to fix.



> The README/INSTALL simply says to run "make debian" to make the
> package. In turn the scripts use build/package/debian/rules, where one
> can specify the configure options. And configure is run afterwards. It
> seems to be going the right direction, except for the scripts are
> probably little obsolete in some cases.
> Where did you find the recommendation for "make static" for debian,
> please? (I am sorry if I am missing something obvious).
> Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Lukas

Received on Thu Mar 03 2011 - 10:29:08 CET

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