TMinuit problem

From: Salvatore Rocco Rappoccio <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 21:54:29 -0400 (EDT)


I have a simple counting experiment that I am trying to use a likelihood fitter on. The formula for the counting experiment is

(N_obs - N_bkg) / eff*Lum

So the statistical error should be roughly sqrt(N_obs) / (N_obs-N_bkg).

I have a function that calculates -2log(L) and minuit minimizes it to the correct place. However, when I ask for MINOS to give me the statistical errors, it doesn't give me the right value (without using the fitter). I have set the "UP" value to 1.0 (which is relevant for -2log(L)).

Any ideas?

Sal Rappoccio

The relevant portions of code are:

void fcn(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag) {

  double lnL2 = 0;

// Calculate nexp_1_i and nexp_2_i

  double f1= nexp_1_i - nobs_1_i*TMath::Log(nexp_1_i) + TMath::LnGamma( nobs_1_i + 1 );   double f2 = 0;

  lnL2 += f1;
  if ( ijet > 0 ) {
    f2 = nexp_2_i - nobs_2_i*TMath::Log(nexp_2_i) + TMath::LnGamma( nobs_2_i + 1 );     lnL2 += f2;

  lnL2 *= 2;

  f = lnL2;


void FitMyStuff()

  TMinuit *gMinuit = new TMinuit(9); //initialize TMinuit   gMinuit->SetFCN(fcn); //Sets minimization function

//Generic argument lists/flags

  Double_t arglist[10];
  Int_t ierflg = 0;

// Pick Delta(2LnL) = 1.0 as error definition
  arglist[0] = 1.0;
  gMinuit->mnexcm("SET ERR", arglist, 1, ierflg);

// Setting partial derivative strategy
  arglist[0] = 1;
  gMinuit->mnexcm("SET STR", arglist, 1, ierflg);

//Initialize parameters (par#, name, guess, step, min, max, flags)
//If min=max=0, no constraints

  gMinuit->mnparm(0, "XS" , vstart[0], step[0], 0, 0, ierflg);

// Now ready for minimization step

  arglist[0] = 500000;
  arglist[1] = 1.;
  gMinuit->mnexcm("MINOS", arglist, 1, ierflg); //Minimization step: Minos is the algorithm

  Double_t dxs_hi, dxs_lo;
  Double_t gcc;

  gMinuit->mnerrs( 0, dxs_hi, dxs_lo, dxs, gcc);

} Received on Fri Jun 17 2005 - 03:54:37 MEST

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