Re: gcut/projections inconsistancy

From: Boris Skorodumov <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 09:00:19 -0500

Hi Olivier !

Thank you for the answer. Yes, I meant two cuts with OR logic. Anyway, there are other ways to go over that.

With regards,


| Boris Skorodumov, Graduate Student |
| Physics Department                 |
| University of Notre Dame           |
| Indiana 46556, USA                 |
| WWW: |

Olivier Couet wrote:

>Hi Boris,
>You said:
>>I attached test.C showing problem with 2 cuts.
> Seems to me your example is working fine. I have modified it a bit to
>show better the cuts effect (see the attached macro and gif file). The
>syntax [cut1,cut2] means (cut1 AND cut2). So, if the cuts do not overlap
>the selection is empty. In the attached gif file you clearly see that if
>the 2 cuts overlap the histogram "c" is not empty. I think you are looking
>for something like (cut1 OR cut2), which is not implemented right now.
>I'll look at it.
>Cheers, Olivier
Received on Mon Apr 25 2005 - 16:00:32 MEST

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