fitting many TGraphAsymmErrors

From: Costas Andreopoulos <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 19:51:18 +0000


I have a function (a vN cross section as a function of various params) that I want to fit to a quite large number of cross section measurements. Since these measurements come from different experiments I would like to allow them to 'float' with respect to each other as a way to handle unknown relative differences in flux normalizations.

So, technically I have a TF1 and a list of TGraphAsymmErrors (each one includes all the data points from a single experiment). In total, I am trying to fit *Nm* parameters related with a physics model + 1 parameter for each of the *Nd* experiments included in the fit.

I need to fit the function to all graphs in the list *simultaneously*.

Is there a simpler way to do this other than implementing by myself the Fit() method in TMultiGraph?



Dr. Constantinos Andreopoulos, CCLRC - Rutherford Lab.
Received on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 20:51:37 MET

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