Re: [ROOT] TH1I: GetBinContent gives me a Stat_t...why?

From: Dr. John Krane (
Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 17:50:15 MEST

Thanks Rene.  I had heard of casting before.  I guess I didn't 
understand the purpose of TH1I if it returns doubles from its bins.  

What you seem to be saying to me is that the GetBinContent might not be 
optimal in this case, but its generality demands use of Stat_t.  
Internally, TH1I does indeed use Int_t for the bins.  Right?

    - John

Rene Brun wrote:

>TH1X::GetBinContent always return a Stat_t independently of X.
>If you have a TH1I *h, you can do
>  Int_t c = (Int_t)h->GetBinContent(i);
>  Int_t c = h->fArray[i];
>Rene Brun
>"Dr. John Krane" wrote:
>>I suspect this is just a bug that has been overlooked all this time
>>because I'm the first person in the world to use the class, but
>>shouldn't TH1I::GetBinContent(Int_t bin) have type Int_t and not
>>Stat_t?  Am I missing something?
>>    - John
>>Dr. John Krane


Dr. John Krane

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