Re: [ROOT] poisson function.

From: Smbat Grigoryan (
Date: Tue Nov 25 2003 - 15:06:47 MET

Hi Dan,

Poisson function is gaussian like only for par >> 1.
Check your function plot by 


On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Dan Holmes wrote:

> root version 3.05/07
> I am using the root Poisson function:
> i do:
>  poiss2=new TF1("poiss2","TMath::Poisson(x,[1])",0,99);
> float x0=40;
> poiss2->SetParameter(1,x0);
> poiss2.Integral(x0,99)
> >> this returns (Double_t)4.89489910522337757e-01
> >> ok so i expect here in the gaussian limit there to be 50% of the 
> >>distribution >X0, this answer is close enough i guess?
> now i do:
> float x0=0.3;
>  poiss2->SetParameter(1,x0);
>  poiss2.Integral(x0,99)
> >>this returns (Double_t)3.87128082086576730e-01
> >> meaning that 39% of the distribution lies above X0.
> Is this true or am i using the function in a region where it becomes 
> non-valid?
> ie. is there really not 50% of the distribution either side of the 
> parameter X0 in a Poisson distribution when X0 is small? (sorry, this is a 
> maths question  but i  could'nt find a comprehensive answer in my stats 
> book..)  If it is a  problem with the root approximation than can you give 
> me an idea of the range for which i can use it?
> cheers,
> Dan.


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