[ROOT] Re: [CINT] Problem with Gui as macro - Mac Jaguar Problem?

From: cstrato (aon.912121399@aon.at)
Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 20:35:01 MET

Dear Rene

Meanwhile I have compiled the new CVS version (by eliminating
the Panther-specific ifdef in TProofServ.cxx). Sorrowly, this did
not solve my problem, but Eddy Offermann has just sent me a
mail that my macro does work on Panther. It seems that the
problem is Mac-Jaguar-specific. I am afraid that I have to upgrade
to Panther sooner than I wanted :-(

Best regards

Rene Brun wrote:

>Hi Christian,
>I can run your macro (in interpreted mode or via ACLIC)
>without any problems on Linux, Alpha, Windows(win32gdk).
>I am using the current CVS version.
>I would suggest trying the CVS version to check if this solves the 
>problem on MacOS.
>Rene Brun
>On Sun, 9 Nov 
>cstrato wrote:
>>Dear Rooters
>>Sorrowly, the attached macro "macroRadio.C" causes ROOT to
>>crash beyond recovery, when run as macro, however, it runs
>>fine when compiled with ACLiC.
>>Do you have any ideas what the reason for this problem could be?
>>Is there a hidden bug in my macro or is this a limitation of CINT?
>>Note that this is a simplified version of a more complex
>>macro where the problem is that CINT is not able to Connect()
>>the radio buttons to method DoClickRadio().
>>I am running root 3.10/01 (10 Oct 2003) on MacOS X 10.2.4.
>>Thank you in advance
>>Best regards
>>C.h.i.s.t.i.a.n S.t.r.a.t.o.w.a
>>V.i.e.n.n.a       A.u.s.t.r.i.a

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