Re: [ROOT] TGFileDialog error

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Sep 29 2003 - 10:45:53 MEST

Hi Michael,

Could you tell us how many files you have in your directory.
Just to give you some idea on performance, I made the following simple test
with dir1 containing 1000 files and dir2 containing 10000 files.
Then I used the Root TBrowser and the KDE browser

dir1:  TBrowser=2s  KDE=3s
dir2:  TBrowser=15s KDE=25s

The time seems to be proportional to the number of files.

Rene Brun

"Michael T. Gericke" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have compiled ROOT program for analysis purposes.
> When I try to change to a large directory with lots of
> data in it, using the TGFileDialog, it takes a long
> time to open the directory and I get the following
> error message and I can't open any files:
> Error in <RootX11ErrorHandler>: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
> (XID: 48235093, XREQ: 25)
> I do not get this message if I try to read a smaller directory, so I
> could copy subsets of my data to a new directory but that gets pretty
> tired after a while, because we are handling Tbyte size directories.
> The files in the directory themselves are about 200 Mbytes each...
> Does anyone know how to circumvent this?
> Thanks,
> Michael Gericke

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