[ROOT] rootcint and GSL

From: ribordy (Mathieu.Ribordy@umh.ac.be)
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 14:24:07 MEST

I have a class with a call to GSL. After compiling the classes, the 
generation of the dictionary fail

Error: Unexpected EOF G__fgetstream():2 
FILE:/usr/local/include/gsl/gsl_sf_result.h LINE:60
Advice: You may need to use +P or -p option
Limitation: can not handle macro _e(constgsl_sf_result_e10 
Use +P or -p option FILE:/usr/local/include/gsl/gsl_sf_result.h LINE:60

I'm ignorant how to do it. I guess a problem when reading the GSL include 
How can we say rootcint to ignore what is in the GSL include files ?

rootcint -f dico.cc -c -D__cplusplus -I/usr/local/include a.h b.h c.h
works fine until I include gsl in one of these files.

Any suggestion to this simple question or an example ?

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