[ROOT] cannot open /MAKEINFO

From: Egon Pavlica (Egon.Pavlica@p-ng.si)
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 13:09:44 MEST


i have a problem, i suspect it is caused by the error message which 
appears in console application when a program based on ROOT start executing :

"Warning: enviroment variable ROOTSYS is not set. Standard include files 

Error: cannot open /MAKEINFO
!!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under /platform/ !!!
Please refer to these examples and create for your platform"

i made an windows executable in a windows 2000, where ROOT is not 
installed. The application uses some ROOT classes I 
managed to copy some libraries but i suspect that libCint.dll is 
complaining (above text). Environment is windows 2000 + cygwin + ROOT for 

My question: why is it complaining and it is possible to solve this 

ps. it smells that i need to copy some more libraries, or should i compile 
with include <platform.h> or any other trick....

ps. i am programming in linux, but now i need to compile my application 
for windows.

thank, egon

Egon Pavlica e-mail:egon.pavlica@p-ng.si
Laboratory for epitaxy and nanostructures
Nova Gorica Polytechnic (www.p-ng.si)

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