Re: [ROOT] How to make colz default for TBrowser?

From: Valeriy Onuchin (
Date: Sat Sep 20 2003 - 15:18:23 MEST

 Hi Alexander
it can be done with a trick using signal-slots:
 - create macro (e.g. tst.C) containing the following function:

void SetOpt(TObject* obj)
   if (obj->InheritsFrom(TH2::Class())) {

  - load it 
  root[].L tst.C
 - make class signal-slot connection
  root[] TQObject::Connect("TRootBrowser","DoubleClicked(TObject*)",0,0,"SetOpt(TObject*)");

mouse double click in any root browser will invoke SetOpt function

That's all. 

Regards. Valeriy

> Hi,
> in the TBrowser, I would like to click on a TH2 and have it drawn with
> option 'colz' by default. I tried to edit the root.mimes but this did not
> help. How can this be done?
> Thanks for your help.
> Alexander

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