Re: [ROOT] questions on histogram errors

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 12:08:41 MEST

You did not send me a script! you sent a few statements only.
My guess is that in your real script (named script), when the function
in the script goes out of scope, objects like TFile created in the stack
are automatically deleted together with the histograms/trees associated with it.
Did you try the few statements that I suggested?

Rene Brun

Stephane Plaszczynski wrote:
> --On Thursday, September 18, 2003 11:59:18 AM +0200 Rene Brun
> <> wrote:
> > "running it, I don't see the "cl" ntuple drawn." ?
> > running these statements in a compiled program?
> > If this is the case, you should add the following statements in your
> > script Instead of;
> no , when I execute the CINT script I send you, I don't see my ntuple
> points.
> They appear if I  type the commnad interactively.
> Stephane

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