Re: [ROOT] gStyle in standalone program?

From: Jiri Masik (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 10:28:56 MEST writes:

> Dear Rooters,
> I would like to know how to change the default of
> showing fit-parameters in a standalone program.
> In a macro program that I run directly from root
> (with .x) I have these lines
>     hist->Draw();
>     gStyle->SetOptStat(0111);
>     gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
>     hist->Fit("gaus");
> where I decide what statistical and fit-parameters will be shown.
> And it works...
> I would like to do the same in a standalone program
> for which I use the attached Makefile to compile. 
> In a header file I've included
> 	#include "TStyle.h"
> and defined
> 	TStyle* m_gStyle;
> And in the .C file I do 
> 	m_gStyle = new TStyle();
> and
> 	hist->Draw();
>     	m_gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
>         m_gStyle->SetOptStat(0111);
>     	hist->Fit("gaus");
> but nothing changes on the plot.
> I guess I actually do not change the default
> values since I don't get hold of the real 'gStyle'.
> How should I do this instead?

Hi Christian,

you can manipulate gStyle in your standalone program the same way as
you do in the macro, the gStyle object should be ready. Also you can
use gStyle->SetOptStat("NE") to get the name and entries of the
histogram - it is more obvious than specifying the style by the octal
number 0111.


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