[ROOT] Automation of root executable using a shell script...

From: zaldy (zaldy@neutrino.kek.jp)
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 17:21:20 MEST

Dear Rooters,

I have two questions.

How do we save 5 histograms in different file with SaveAs(".....") using 
the same Pad?

For example, I have several rootfiles and I want to save 5 histograms 
per rootfile in different filename using same pad. The 5 histograms are 
diffrent so they cannot be of the same pad or plot.

Because of the many data files I am thinking of automating it using  
shell scripting. Say I have 300 rootfiles and each file has to produce 5 

My problem is how do we manage the mouse. It seems that every time an 
executable code is run by the script, the mouse waits a click from the 
user before it will start the execution. It seems that this is because of 
the "pad->Draw()" line.

Somehow it defeats the idea of automation.

How do we handle this? Please ...

Thank you.

                   Zaldy A. Nawang 
                   PS Users Room 2
                   Yon Gokan, 
                   E362, Neutrino Group, 
                   IPNS, KEK, 
                   e-mail: zaldy@neutrino.kek.jp
                   Tel. No. : (81) 029864 - 5387

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