[ROOT] statistics dispaly

From: Saleem, Muhammad (saleem@SLAC.stanford.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 21:25:25 MEST

 i am trying to overlay 2 histograms, in doing that i need the statistics for bothe the histgorams to be showm on the same canvas.
for that i used the following:

TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
then i use:


but i get the following error:
Error: Can't call TH1F::SetXINDC("newx1") in current scope FILE:/tmp/filediLDjB_cint LINE:1
Possible candidates are...
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TH1F)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TH1)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TNamed)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TObject)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TAttLine)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TAttFill)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TAttMarker)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TArrayF)
filename       line:size busy function type and name  (in TArray)
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

any help please.



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