[ROOT] Can I use TF1 in TTree::Draw()

From: Ed Oltman (eoltman@imago.com)
Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 18:13:38 MEST

  Suppose I have a TF1 I create with 

	TF1 *pf = new TF1("pf","[0]+[1]*sqrt(x)",0.,1000.)

Is it possible to use pf it within a TTree::Draw() call?  I've tried the

	pTree->Draw("pf(x)") where x float in pTree

but, alas, it does not work like sqrt().  Is there a special syntax?  What
the build-in formulas, e.g. pol5?  Can I use these?

I am using win32 version of root v3.05/5 on windows 2k.  Thanks

Ed Oltman

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