RE: [ROOT] Carrot on WIN2000

From: Axel Naumann (
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 18:23:12 MEST

Hi Silvia,

just install cygwin (don't forget the apache module, which is an optional
part of the cygwin system), install root for gcc on cygwin = win32gcc (get
the binary distrib or build from source), and try to build carrot. If you
run into any problems let us (Valeriy O and me) know. A priori I can't see
any problem in that approach.

Cheers, Axel.

> In theory :-) this should be possible with win32gcc and apache compiled
> under cygwin + gcc.
>    One has to try that theory.
>      Valeri
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
> []
>> On Behalf Of Valeriy Onuchin
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 7:05 AM
>> To:;
>> Subject: Re: [ROOT] Carrot on WIN2000
>>  Hello Silivia,
>> > Dear Root,
>> > I am interested to install Carrot on WIN2000.
>> > Is this version available?
>> Not for a moment. We're planning to make it in the future.
>> Thanks. Regards. Valeriy
>> >                   Many Thanks and Regards
>> >                              Silvia
>> >

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