[ROOT] Program execution

From: Stefan Höche (stefan.hoeche@mailbox.tu-dresden.de)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 16:48:27 MEST

Hello Rooters,

I have just moved the source files of a mixed C++ / Fortran - Code from my 
portable to lxplus and tried to install it there. I used libtool, aclocal 
autoconf and automake to produce my makefiles. 
So far everything was fine, I compiled with gcc 3.2 and linked the 
corresponding CLHEP and ROOT libraries. No problem. 
But when I try to execute the binaries, I get the following error message.

>  *** Break *** segmentation violation
> Generating stack trace...
> /usr/bin/c++filt: unknown demangling style `gnu-v3'

How can I switch to a corresponding version of c++filt ? 
Is this really the problem or did I misuse Root ?
Maybe i forgot to link a different library ?
I hope there will be a solution to this problem.
Thank you in advance

Stefan Hoeche

I also consulted the computing helpdesk. The answer was

   Dear Stefan,
   The most likely simple explanation is that the gcc3 libraries are
   missing from LD_LIBRARY_PATH. In lxplus they are in the directory
   /usr/local/gcc-alt-3.2/lib. I guess the c++filt message is due to the
   failure of the previous step.

This is not the case...
   Make sure also that you are linking with gcc3.2 versions of the CLHEP,
   ROOT and other libraries and that their shared library paths are also in

They are...
   If the problem persists we don't know what to suggest but suspect a
   problem with your use of ROOT and you should seek advice from the ROOT
Which I do.

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