[ROOT] "the same I/O operation"

From: David Chamont (david.chamont@poly.in2p3.fr)
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 11:21:02 MEST

Hi Rooters,

I am trying the persistency of a net of objects with C++ pointers within.
As usual, I search for the less intrusive solution.

>From what I read, when several objects are pointing
to another shared one, the storage will work if this is done in
"the same I/O operation".

1/ What does mean "the same I/O operation" ?

2/ Does it work with foreign classes ?


P.S.: In chapter "Input/Output", section "How does it work ?",
after "When statement P = R is executed, the following happens:", it is
said that in the fPID object, fObjects[ObjectNumber] is set to P...
Perhaps it should be R instead ?

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