Re: [ROOT] TSpectrum

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 22:44:27 MEST

Hi Greg,

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Greg King wrote:

> Hi ROOTers,
> I was wondering if anyone has a simple example script on how to use the 
> following methods to fit peaks (preferably from a histogram)
> *also, a script that shows how to do backgound estimation with TSpectrum 
> would be useful
> 	TSpectrum::Fit1Stiefel(float *source, TSpectrumOneDimFit * p, int size)
> 	TSpectrum::Fit1Awmi(float *source, TSpectrumOneDimFit * p, int size)

See an example using TSpectrum to find the peak positions and TH1::Fit
to fit a collection of peaks in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/peaks.C

> Further, in the TSpectrum source file it mentions that is can do
> However, there appears to be no explicit 2D algorithms in the code. Is 
> it possible to do 2D Peak Searching and Fitting with TSpectrum?

This can be found in TSpectrum2.
However, note that this class does not behave coorectly in the recent 
releases. Problem is being investigated by the author Miroslav Morhac.

Rene Brun

> Cheers,
> Greg King

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