RE: [ROOT] fitting with a member function

From: Philippe Canal (
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 17:16:07 MEST


A TF1 can only use free standing function (it would not know which object to
call a member function on).
Before 3.05/06 you needed to declare a free standing function with the exact
signature described in the TF1 documentation.
With 3.05/06 you can access any free standing function or static data member
functions, using a syntax like:

   TF1 *fitFcn = new


with func_val being 'static double func_fit::func_val(double arg1, double
arg2, double param)'


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dr. John Krane
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: [ROOT] fitting with a member function


I'm trying to use weighted histograms to fit a distribution.  Because I
want to be able to change the histos that I'm using as components, I
made a little class that holds an array of TH1F.  A member function
provides the weighted sum of these histograms, with the weights being
the fit parameters and the interface being as required by TF1.  So I
tried to make a TF1 for use with the ->Fit method, like this:

   cerr<< "Assign the histos that contribute to fit"<<endl;
   func_fit fclass;
   fclass.add_param(d1or);   //first histo
   fclass.add_param(d1crl);  //second histo...etc.

   TF1 *fitFcn = new

Well the compiler within ROOT doesn't like that, so I tried making a
pointer-to-member-function and giving that to root, but I didn't get
anywhere.  Does anybody know how to provide a member-function to TF1?  I
think my class solution is quite clean for what I'd like to do, but I
need to get around this barrier...

	- John

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