[ROOT] Using TGaxis...

From: zaldy (zaldy@neutrino.kek.jp)
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 21:21:32 MEST

Dear ROOT Experts,

How do we use TGaxis such that all the pair array elements (say nx[i], 
ny[i], i = 0,1,2,...,N) can be plotted within the range define in the 
TGaxis arguments?

For example from graph.C in $ROOTSYS/tutorials, the axis is automatically 
drawn using the Draw function:

        grap_pointer->Draw("ACP");      <==== this is ok...

But when the TGaxis is used and  is defined such that:
       xmin = 0, xmax = 150,  ymin = 0, ymax = 150., 
       NDIV = some_value, OPTION = some_option_describe_in_manual, 

Then Plot two points: P1(0.5, 0.5) and P2(60.,60.), Only the the first 
point P1(0.5, 0.5) appears in the pad. The other point P2 is outside the 
How do we deal or correct with this?

Please see my code and output at these URL:

Thank you very much....

|  Version   3.04/02        |
|  gcc version egcs-2.91.66 | 

                   Zaldy A. Nawang 
                   PS Users Room 2
                   Yon Gokan, 
                   E362, Neutrino Group, 
                   IPNS, KEK, 
                   e-mail: zaldy@neutrino.kek.jp
                   Tel. No. : (81) 029864 - 5387

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