[ROOT] TPaveText NDC Problems

From: Andreas Petzold (A.Petzold@Physik.TU-Dresden.DE)
Date: Thu Jul 03 2003 - 13:30:59 MEST

Hi Rooters,

I have a problem when changing the NDC coordinates of a TPaveText. I 
execute the following commands at the ROOT prompt:

root [0] TPaveText pave(.1,.1,.9,.9,"NDC");
root [1] pave.AddText("Hello World");
root [2] pave.SetX1NDC(0.5)
root [3] pave.Draw()
<TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1
root [4] pave.SetX1NDC(0.5)
root [5] pave.Draw()

The 1st time the TPaveText is drawn, the new X1NDC coordinate is ignored. 
After setting X1NDC again and drawing the TPaveText one more time, the new 
X1NDC is used. Is this the intended behaviour or am I doing something 
stupid here?

Thanks for your help


P.S: ROOT CVS snapshot 06/24/03 on RH7.2

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