[ROOT] Segmentation fault. Cause: Closing a TFile

From: Pierre-Luc Drouin (pldrouin@physics.carleton.ca)
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 18:02:50 MEST


I've to open a TFile, get a TTree instance from it, and copy this TTree
with some selections to a new TTree object and then to close the TFile. My
code is the following:

	    TTree *tbuf, *ctbuf;
            TDirectory* fluxdir= \\A pointer to a TDirectory in a TFile
            TDirectory *ctdir;

	    TFile *myfile=new TFile("myfile.root","READ");


	    ctdir=fluxdir->mkdir("Event Info");



I get a segmentation fault when I try to ctbuf->Draw() further in the
code. Since gDirectory==ctdir in the code, I don't understand how ctbuf
could depend on myfile. When I comment the last two lines in the code,
everything works fine

Thank you

Pierre-Luc Drouin

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