Re: [ROOT] Reading a single Object from a Chain

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 16:01:48 MEST

Hi Birger,

Before calling GetFile, do
This will force the first file to be loaded and GetFile will work.

In the CVS version, I have modified TChain::GetFile to automatically
load the first file if no file has been connected.

Rene Brun wrote:
> Hi,
> I have problems reading a single object from a Chain, something which
> works for a normal file:
>   TChain chain("Tree", "My Tree");
>   chain.Add("file.root");
>   TObject *o=chain.GetFile()->Get("MyObject");
> does not work, because chain.GetFile() returns a null pointer unless one
> has at least connected to a branch on the file, first (which I use as a
> Workaround), while the following works allways:
>   TFile f("file.root");
>   TObject *o=f.Get("MyObject");
> Is this is a design limitation, or a bug?
> My personal conviction is, that it is probably a bug, because already
> connecting to a branch makes chain.GetFile() return the first file, while
> a design limitiation would probably require you to use GetEntry() on the
> chain, first.
> My request is therefore to have TChain::GetFile() return the first file in
> the chain as soon as there is one added, or, implement a Get() method on
> the TChain.
> Cheers,
>   Birger
> --
>  Birger Koblitz                Tel: +33/1 69 33 31 73
>  Ecole Polytechnique - LLR
>  Route de Saclay
>  F-91128 Palaiseau

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