Re: [ROOT] TRootBrowser: Menu "Group Icons" ?

From: Valeriy Onuchin (
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 09:15:39 MEST

 Hi Christian
I worked on optimization of root browser. For comparison
check browsers from 3.02/07 and current version.
Further optimization requires special tricks , like
"show part of content - load the rest in background" (Apple's case),
caching previously browsed content, etc.
Contributions are welcome. I hope to switch to this work later on
when other important things will be finished (win32gdk  ROOT, Carrot, etc.)

Regards. Valeriy

>Dear Valeriy
>Thank you for the test code, now I understand. I have tried your examples
>with 10,000 objects only, otherwise it would be too slow:
>It takes 7 seconds to display the 11 special icons, after
>double-clicking one
>icon it takes another 7 seconds to display the 1000 objects.
>The reason for these long delays is probably, that I am using Fink
>on a PowerBook 550MHz with MacOS X 10.2.4.
>However, the Mac OS X Finder is known to be very slow, and the
>finder needs only 2 seconds to display the 10,000 system files, in
>contrast to the root browser with 115 seconds.
>Even though items are not hidden when using grouped objects, this
>feature was probably incorporated because of the slowness of the
>root browser.
>In my opinion TRootBrowser should be optimized for speed in the
>same way as Apple had (and still has to) optimize the Finder for speed.
>Best regards
>P.S.: Hopefully, at least Apple seems to have made dramatic improvements
>with today´s introduction of the fastest Personal Computer of the world,
>featuring dual IBM 64-bit Power4 (G5) processors with 2GHz, and the
>introduction of Panther, i.e. Mac OS X 1.3 with a new finder!!!

Valeriy Onuchin wrote:

> Hi Christian,
>>Dear Valeriy
>>Thank you for your answer.
>>I am not sure if I understand it correctly: Do you mean to place
>>100 000 TObjects in TFile?
>yes,  it  works with TFiles
>>What I did at the moment is to create a system directory with
>>10,000 empty text-files in it.
>>It took TRootBrowser 115 seconds to open this directory, which
>>is much too slow to be useful.
>This option doesn't work with TSystemFiles. Nevertheless yours
>number is strange. I made similar tests on my average computer
>(linux,pentium-2, 800MHz). Response is much faster than in your case.
>BTW it's faster than  KDE-2 browser.
>>Do you mean that grouped items are hidden from the browser
>>because of this slowness?
>Not correct statement. Items are not hidden. You can display content
>of the group by clicking on  "group icon".
>>Do you have some simple example?
>Try from root prompt:
>li = new TList();
>for (int i=0; i<100000; i++) li->Add(new TObject());
>new TBrowser();
>Click on TList in the left part of browser.
>Regards. Valeriy
>>Best regards
>>Valeriy Onuchin wrote:
>>>Hi Christian,
>>>browsing container with a large number of object (e.g. 100 000)
>>>its content is displayed as a set of "grouped items" (you will see
>>>a set of  special icons in  the right part of browser).
>>>fGroupSize determines a number of items in each group.
>>>To find in which group specific item is located you can either invoke
>>>search dialog by clicking Ctrtl-F F7 keys or determine from
>>>a name of the group which is "name_of_first_item-name_of_last_item".
>>>This is done to make browsing of large containers to be effective.
>>>You can disable this feature by setting fGroupSize to some very large
>>>number, e.g. 100 000 000.
>>>Regards. Valeriy
>>>>Dear Rooters
>>>>Currently, I am trying to understand the code from TRootBrowser,
>>>>and I have problems with TRootIconBox::AddObjItem():
>>>>What is the reason of "fGroupSize" and "fGrouped"?
>>>>What does "switch to global view mode" mean?
>>>>What does ("Browser.GroupView","1000") mean, i.e.
>>>>groupsize = 1000 vs 10000000 if unchecked??
>>>>(I know that the default is set in system.rootrc, but I do
>>>>not know the reason for this setting.)
>>>>When I check/uncheck Menu "Group Icons", I do not see
>>>>any difference in the behavior of TRootBrowser, either.
>>>>Thank you in advance
>>>>Best regards
>>>>C.h.i.s.t.i.a.n S.t.r.a.t.o.w.a
>>>>V.i.e.n.n.a       A.u.s.t.r.i.a

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