Re: [ROOT] saving of a variable length array of non simple type (C struct)

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 14:21:51 MEST

Hi Ralph,

You should use a class instead of a struct.
I have made a working example writing/reading a BPM_ALL_BASE object.
the tar file includes a small script to create a library
and a small script monitor.C to write & read

Rene Brun

Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Ralph 
Steinhagen wrote:

> Hello!
> I would like to save an object of the bellow declared BPM_ALL_BASE.
> This class has two pointer to call the class 'monitor_info'.
> First I declared a static array of 'single_monitor' in 'monitor_info' and the 
> root standard streamer functions decomposed this array properly so that the 
> needed data could be saved to file.
> I decided to use a variable length array to save some memory because both 
> 'monitor_info' classes differs largely in size (factor 1000:1) but can and 
> should be described equally.
> Is there a easy solution to save a variable length array of C struct without 
> decomposing the C struct into three singular arrays or to write a new 
> streamer?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ralph Steinhagen
> [..] excerpts out of the code
> struct  single_monitor
> {
>  Char_t		name[20];
>  Float_t		pos;
>  Int_t			plane; // 1: horizontal  2: vertical
> };
> class monitor_info: public  TObject
> {	public:
> 	monitor_info();
> 	~monitor_info();
> 	Int_t			GetMonitorCount();
> 	Char_t*		GetMonitorName(Int_t i);
> 	Float_t		GetMonitorPosition(Int_t i);
> 	Int_t			GetMonitorPlane(Int_t i);
> 	const Char_t*	GetMonitorNamePlane(Int_t i);
> 	Int_t			AddMonitor(Int_t i, Char_t *name, Float_t pos, Int_t plane);
> 	Int_t			IsMonitorPlane(Int_t i, Int_t plane);
> 	private:
> 	Int_t			fcount;
> 	single_monitor	*fmonitor; //[fcount]
> 	ClassDef(monitor_info,1)
> };
> class BPM_ALL_BASE : public  TObject
> {
> 	public:
> 	Int_t			Cycletype;
> 	monitor_info	*MOPOS_Monitor;		//->
> 	monitor_info	*REALTIME_Monitor;	//->
> 	private:
> 	ClassDef(BPM_ALL_BASE,1)
> };

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