Re: [ROOT] Saving Pads to File

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 15:04:03 MEST

Jan Erik,

You cannot call wp1 directly. You must draw the canvas first.

Rene Brun

Jan Erik Sundermann wrote:
>         Hi Rene,
> I tested your code and it works fine for me. On the other hand, the described
> problem persists when opening and drawing the testcanvas and calling the
> function wp1() directly from the root interpreter.
>         Best regards,
>                 Jan Erik.
> On Monday 12 May 2003 22:11, Rene Brun wrote:
> > Hi Jan Erik,
> >
> > I do not know in which way you call your function.
> > In attachement see a script using your code that produces
> > what you expect.
> >
> > Rene Brun
> >
> > On Mon, 12 May
> > 2003, Jan
> >
> > Erik Sundermann wrote:
> > >     Hello,
> > >
> > > I've problems executing the following script:
> > > >-------
> > >
> > > #include "TCanvas.h"
> > > #include "TString.h"
> > >
> > >
> > > void
> > > writePadsToPs(TCanvas* canvas, char* filename, int nbPadLow = 1, int
> > > nbPadHigh = 1) {
> > >
> > >   for (int index = nbPadLow; index <= nbPadHigh; index++) {
> > >
> > >     canvas->cd(index);
> > >     TPad* thispad = (TPad*) gPad;
> > >     TCanvas *tempcanvas = new TCanvas();
> > >     tempcanvas->cd();
> > >     TPad *clonepad = (TPad*) thispad->DrawClone();
> > >     clonepad->SetPad(0,0,1,1);
> > >     TString tempfilename(filename);
> > >     if (index == nbPadLow)
> > >       tempfilename += "(";
> > >     if (index == nbPadHigh)
> > >       tempfilename += ")";
> > >     tempcanvas->SaveAs(tempfilename);
> > >     delete tempcanvas;
> > >
> > >   }
> > > }
> > >
> > > ---------<
> > >
> > > When using the above code on the attached canvas the DrawClone does not
> > > write to the temporary canvas but to the original canvas. The same code
> > > works when executed line by line on the interpreter prompt.
> > >
> > > I'm using root version 3.05/03 on RedHat 7.3.
> > >
> > >
> > >     Best regards,
> > >
> > >             Jan Erik.

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