RE: [ROOT] About the matched plot btween two sub branchs in StartViewer.

From: Philippe Canal (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 19:24:44 MEST


Without the shared library which defines the code to be executed by genjet()
or by recjet() you can not call those functions.

What you can do with the TTreeViewer (and TTree::Draw) is to access the data
member of either genjet and inclosed object if you splitted the branch
and/or use the new I/O to store the said class.  For example you might be
able to calculate the expression:

	genjet.fRecjet != 0

if recjet() was implemented as { return fRefjet; }


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of dwkim
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:42 AM
To: 'RootTalk'
Subject: [ROOT] About the matched plot btween two sub branchs in

Hello! I would like to know what is the way to get the plot which is related
between two sub branches.
My event class has two sub branches as genjet and recjet.
I would like to get plot about energy distribution from those branches when
"genjet()->recject()!=0". This is possible when I call my and
write the macro.C with the condition as above. But I would like to try to
get the plot without calling "".  Are there a way to do with
startviewer using Expression on TGItemContex box without calling
Could you please to tell me what is the way if you are available?

ROOT version is 3_05 and the OS is linux7.1.

In my best regards!

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