Re: [ROOT] problem with mysql-4.0.12 and root_v3.05.03

From: Volker Hejny (
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 16:31:43 MEST

Dear Rene,

I don't know whether the necessary changes for mysql 4.0.12 are
already prepared. However, as far as I see, these changes should
only consist of replacing 
     return mysql_create_db(fMySQL, dbname);
     return mysql_query(fMySQL, Form("CREATE DATABASE %s",dbname));
and replacing
     return mysql_drop_db(fMySQL, dbname);   
     return mysql_query(fMySQL, Form("DROP DATABASE %s",dbname));
in the lines 202 and 215 of TMySQLServer.cxx

These calls should also work for mysql 3.x. 

Can you check that and if it's correct, change it?

Best regards,
Volker Hejny

Dr. Volker Hejny                Tel: 02461/616853                      ** 
Institut f. Kernphysik          Fax: 02461/613930                     **
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