[ROOT] Problems with chain.Process in ROOT Version 3.05/03

From: Franco Bedeschi (bed@fnal.gov)
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 15:48:18 MEST

    Dear ROOTers,

here is the gist of the problem:

    -> Operating system is Linux Red Hat 8.0 running on a single Intel 
2.4 GHz CPU.
    -> Used precompiled version of ROOT  Version   3.05/03, gcc 3.2

        - chain.Process("MyProg.C"); works fine only when I use only one 
single file in the chain.Add list,
            when more than one file is specified the program goes into 
segmentation fault. MtProg.C is generated with MakeSelector. Everything 
was fine under 3.02/07
            See below

*** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x40196b36 in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() + 0x36c from 
 0x401956fa in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals) + 0x7a from 
 0x4019490b in <unknown> from /usr/local/root/lib/libCore.so
 0x40198319 in <unknown> from /usr/local/root/lib/libCore.so
 0x40c3a47e in <unknown> from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
 0x42028c48 in <unknown> from /usr/local/root/bin/root.exe
 0x4134c3b8 in TTreePlayer::UpdateFormulaLeaves() + 0x1e from 
 0x40aea2eb in TChain::LoadTree(int) + 0x7ef from 
/usr/local/root/lib/libTree.so 0x41349c80 in 
TTreePlayer::Process(TSelector*, char const*, int, int) + 0x1f4 from 
 0x41349a3e in TTreePlayer::Process(char const*, char const*, int, int) 
+ 0xa2 from /usr/local/root/lib/libTreePlayer.so
 0x40afd802 in TTree::Process(char const*, char const*, int, int) + 0x4c 
from /usr/local/root/lib/libTree.so
 0x40aeac1a in TChain::Process(char const*, char const*, int, int) + 
0x44 from /usr/local/root/lib/libTree.so
 0x40b28777 in <unknown> from /usr/local/root/lib/libTree.so
 0x40551b55 in G__call_cppfunc + 0x261 from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x405423fc in G__interpret_func + 0x6dc from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x4052b09c in G__getfunction + 0x10e4 from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x405a899c in G__getstructmem + 0x77c from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x405a2b4a in G__getvariable + 0x4be from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x40524d27 in G__getitem + 0x46b from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x40523aa0 in G__getexpr + 0x735a from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x4056567b in G__exec_function + 0x129 from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x4056bbee in G__exec_statement + 0x22ee from 
 0x4050df70 in G__exec_tempfile_core + 0x2a2 from 
/usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so 0x4050e11c in G__exec_tempfile_fp + 0x22 
from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x4057368a in G__process_cmd + 0x4364 from /usr/local/root/lib/libCint.so
 0x4014f011 in TCint::ProcessLine(char const*, 
TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) + 0x9b from /usr/local/root/lib/libCore.so
 0x400d7995 in TApplication::ProcessLine(char const*, bool, int*) + 
0x56b from /usr/local/root/lib/libCore.so
 0x40c03b94 in TRint::HandleTermInput() + 0x11c from 
 0x40c02b86 in TTermInputHandler::Notify() + 0x24 from 
 0x40c04336 in TTermInputHandler::ReadNotify() + 0x12 from 
 0x40195a67 in TUnixSystem::CheckDescriptors() + 0xed from 
 0x40195237 in TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent(bool) + 0x101 from 
 0x401234a1 in TSystem::InnerLoop() + 0x1b from 
 0x4012343a in TSystem::Run() + 0x78 from /usr/local/root/lib/libCore.so
 0x400d83d9 in TApplication::Run(bool) + 0x2d from 
 0x40c03768 in TRint::Run(bool) + 0x2e4 from /usr/local/root/lib/libRint.so
 0x08048782 in main + 0x6e from /usr/local/root/bin/root.exe
 0x420158d4 in __libc_start_main + 0xa4 from /usr/local/root/bin/root.exe
 0x08048685 in _Unwind_Resume + 0x31 from /usr/local/root/bin/root.exe

    - Recovery attempts:

    I have tried to reinstall from the source code, but after renerating 
the libraries and the executables I get again the same error.

    If I do a chain.Draw("..."); after specifying the multiple file list 
I see no problem.

                ANY CLUES?



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