[ROOT] Re: rh8 and rh9

From: Rene Brun (Rene.Brun@cern.ch)
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 10:48:33 MEST

Hi Maurizio,

I assume that you started from version 3.05/03 (source tar file or CVS).

Why did you change the optimisation options. I strongly suggest
to use the standard option (-O instead of -O3 -march=athlon-xp 
-mfpmath=sse -m32) and try the optimisation option only once the 
standard configuration works.
I also assume that you did a make distclean (I see that you have a 
problem with your clock).

Rene Brun

On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Maurizio Ungaro wrote:

> Dear rooters,
> I'm having problems with ROOT in redhat8 and redhat9
> when I compile the source. The problem is NOT during compilation, 
> which is fine.
> When I launch ROOT, I got two errors:
> 1) cannot open file "RtypesCint.h"  FILE:(tmpfile) LINE:2
> 2) I cannot open any windows.
> I tried to solve 1) playing with "configure" options, I but didn't manage.
> Maybe you can help me?
> As regard 2), I'm not looking for a solution, you are not magicians 
> (well maybe some of you are) but some way to figure out what's going on.
> TBrowser b
> doesn't give me any errors and so the demo macro and so on, but nothing
> appears on screen!
> thanks a lot for any help you can give me,
> mauri
> configure command I used:
> ./configure linux --prefix=/opt/programs/root --datadir=/opt/programs/root
> --enable-cern --with-cern-libdir=/opt/programs/cernlib/2003/lib
> output of make showbuild:
> ROOTSYS            = /opt/programs/root
> PLATFORM           = linux
> OPT                = -O3 -march=athlon-xp -mfpmath=sse -m32
> CXX                = g++
> CC                 = gcc
> F77                = g77
> CPP                = gcc -E
> LD                 = g++
> F77LD              = g++
> GCC_MAJOR          = 3
> GCC_MINOR          = 2
> CXXFLAGS           = -pipe -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -Iinclude
> CINTCXXFLAGS       = -pipe -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -Iinclude
> CFLAGS             = -pipe -Wall -fPIC -Iinclude -DHAVE_CONFIG
> CINTCFLAGS         = -pipe -Wall -fPIC -Iinclude -DHAVE_CONFIG -DG__REGEXP
> EXTRA_CFLAGS       = -Iinclude -DHAVE_CONFIG
> F77FLAGS           =
> LDFLAGS            = -O3 -march=athlon-xp -mfpmath=sse -m32
> F77LDFLAGS         = -O3 -march=athlon-xp -mfpmath=sse -m32  -lfrtbegin
> SOFLAGS            = -shared -Wl,-soname,
> SOEXT              = so
> SYSLIBS            = -lm -ldl -L/usr/lib -lpthread -rdynamic
> XLIBS              = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXpm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
> CILIBS             = -lm -ldl -rdynamic
> F77LIBS            = -lg2c -lnsl
> TABLE              =
> XPMLIBDIR          = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> XPMLIB             = -lXpm
> TTFFONTDIR         = /opt/programs/root/fonts
> OPENGLLIBDIR       = -L/usr/lib
> OPENGLULIB         = -lGLU
> OPENGLLIB          = -lGL
> OPENGLINCDIR       = include
> CERNLIBDIR         =
> CERNLIBS           = /opt/programs/cernlib/2003/lib/libpacklib.a
> /opt/programs/cernlib/2003/lib/libkernlib.a
> OSTHREADLIB        = -lpthread
> SHIFTLIB           =
> DCAPLIB            =
> MYSQLINCDIR        =
> PGSQLINCDIR        =
> SAPDBINCDIR        =
> SRPLIBDIR          =
> SRPINCDIR          =
> SRPUTILLIB         =
> LDAPINCDIR         = include
> LDAPCLILIB         = -lldap -llber
> AFSDIR             =
> INSTALL            = cp -dpR
> INSTALLDATA        = cp -dpR
> INSTALLDIR         = mkdir -p
> MAKEDEP            = build/unix/depend.sh
> MAKELIB            = build/unix/makelib.sh
> MAKEDIST           = build/unix/makedist.sh
> MAKEDISTSRC        = build/unix/makedistsrc.sh
> MAKEVERSION        = build/unix/makeversion.sh
> IMPORTCINT         = build/unix/importcint.sh
> gmake: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.

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