[ROOT] TRotation interface

From: Clark McGrew (clark.mcgrew@sunysb.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 20:55:40 MET


Is TRotation still the prefered class to define rotations of TVector3
objects?  Are TVector3 objects the best vector type to use in physics
code?  I believe the answer is yes to both questions.  I would use
TGeoRotation, but it takes Double_t* and not TVector3.  There doesn't
seem to be a conversion available for TVector3.

If the answers are yes, then I'm finding that there are relatively few
methods available to define rotations in TRotation.  If there is
interest, I volunteer to add a few methods (similar to methods in other
classes).  A short list might be:

-- Methods to rotate euler angles with SetPhi, SetTheta, SetPsi (Get as
well).  The RotateX/Y/Z functions can be used to do euler rotations, but
only when you start from the identity.

-- A method to "validate" the rotation matrix to make sure error doesn't

-- A method to create a rotation by specifying a vector parallel to the
rotated Z axis and a vector in the X-Z plane.  

Clark McGrew <clark.mcgrew@sunysb.edu>
University at Stony Brook, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy

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