[ROOT] TGraph(Errors) title behaviour

From: Bram Wijngaarden (dwijngaa@hef.kun.nl)
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 16:50:26 MET

Hi all,

I'm trying to plot a title above my TGraphErrors using
TGraphErrors* graph = [...]
graph->GetHistogram()->SetTitle("My Title");

It shows some eratic behaviour - if I call
i.e., draw markers and axes, I do get the title, but if I draw a frame
first and then call
it draws the graph but not the title.

Does anyone know how I can get my title up there but keep my custom frame?
I'm using root version 3.05/02.


D.A. Wijngaarden	Meijhorst 6422
AiO KUN-EHEF		6537 LE Nijmegen
Experiment: D0		The Netherlands
Work phone: +31 24 365 2822
Fax: +31 24 365 2191
"Fuimus" - Robert the Bruce

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