[ROOT] exponential integrals

From: Allister Levi Sanchez (allister@hep.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp)
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 21:00:52 MET

Hi Rooters,

I was working on some integrals lately and I stumbled on "exponential 
integrals".  I was surprised that they were not implemented in TMath. 
 Anyway, I decided to look them up from the online Numerical Recipes in 
C.  I simply copied the codes for E_{n}(x) and Ei(x), where x>0.  By the 

E_{n}(x) = \int_{1}^{infty} { exp(-xt)/t^{n} } dt      and
Ei(x) = -\int_{-x}^{infty} { exp(-t)/t } dt

However, since I needed to input negative values for Ei(x), I used the 
fact that
E_{1}(x) = -Ei(-x)
and placed it into the code.

Anyway, here's the code, just in case someone else will need them like I 

//************** EXPONENTIAL INTEGRAL Ei ******
// define: ei(x) = -\int_{-x}^{\infty}{exp(-t)/t}dt,  for x>0
// power series: ei(x) = eulerconst + ln(x) + x/(1*1!) + x^2/(2*2!) + ...
double ei(double x)
{ // taken from Numerical Recipes in C
  const double euler = 0.57721566; // Euler's constant, gamma
  const int maxit = 100;           // max. no. of iterations allowed
  const double fpmin = 1.0e-40;    // close to smallest floating-point 
  const double eps = 1.0e-30;       // relative error, or absolute error 
                                   // the zero of Ei at x=0.3725
   //  I actually changed fpmin and eps into smaller values than in NR

  int k;
  double fact, prev, sum, term;

  // special case
  if(x < 0) return -expint(1,-x);

  if(x == 0.0) { cout << "Bad argument for ei(x)" << endl; return -1; }
  if(x < fpmin) return log(x)+euler;
  if(x <= -log(eps)) {
    sum = 0;
    fact = 1;
    for(k=1; k<=maxit; k++) {
      fact *= x/k;
      term = fact/k;
      sum += term;
      if(term < eps*sum) break;
    if(k>maxit) { cout << "Series failed in ei(x)" << endl; return -1; }
    return sum+log(x)+euler;
  } else {
    sum = 0;
    term = 1;
    for(k=1; k<=maxit; k++) {
      prev = term;
      term *= k/x;
      if(term<eps) break;
      if(term<prev) sum+=term;
      else {
    sum -= prev;
    return exp(x)*(1.0+sum)/x;

//************** EXPONENTIAL INTEGRALS En *****
// define: E_n(x) = \int_1^infty{exp(-xt)/t^n}dt, x>0, n=0,1,...
double expint(int n, double x) {
  // based on Numerical Recipes in C
  const double euler = 0.57721566; // Euler's constant, gamma
  const int maxit = 100;           // max. no. of iterations allowed
  const double fpmin = 1.0e-30;    // close to smallest floating-point 
  const double eps = 6.0e-8;       // relative error, or absolute error near
                                   // the zero of Ei at x=0.3725

  int i, ii, nm1;
  double a,b,c,d,del,fact,h,psi,ans;

  if(n<0 || x<0 || (x==0 && (n==0 || n==1))) {
    cout << "Bad argument for expint(n,x)" << endl; return -1;
  else {
    if(n==0) ans=exp(-x)/x;
    else {
      if(x==0) ans=1.0/nm1;
      else {
    if(x>1) {
      for(i=1; i<maxit; i++) {
        a = -i*(nm1+i);
        b += 2.0;
        h *= del;
        if(fabs(del-1.0)<eps) {
          return ans;
      cout << "***continued fraction failed in expint(n,x)!!!" << endl;
      return -1;
    } else {
      ans = (nm1!=0 ? 1.0/nm1 : -log(x)-euler);
      for(i=1; i<=maxit; i++) {
        fact *= -x/i;
        if(i!=nm1) del = -fact/(i-nm1);
        else {
          psi = -euler;
          for(ii=1; ii<=nm1; ii++) psi += 1.0/ii;
          del = fact*(-log(x)+psi);
        ans += del;
        if(fabs(del)<fabs(ans)*eps) return ans;
      cout << "***series failed in expint!!!" << endl;
      return -1;

  return ans;

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