[ROOT] Options in class definition/Branches for fBits and fUniqueID

From: Ingo Strauch (strauch@toots.physik.rwth-aachen.de)
Date: Thu Dec 28 2000 - 15:24:05 MET

Ho ROOTers!

Where can I find a list of all possible "options" to give in a class

For example I know that I have to use

  Int_t fUseless; //!

if I don't want to stream this datamember. But what other things can I do?

My other problem (using ROOT 2.25/03) is that I want to write single
objects (in splitmode) in a tree without the fBits and fUniqueID. Some
objects have other objects which again have fBits and fUniqueID. This
totals to 100 branches just for those variables I don't need.

This is what I do:

tree->Branch("Kinematics", "H1LtKine", &fKine, 16000, 1)

Is there a way to not create branches for fBits and fUniqueID?


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