[ROOT] building from source on Win32

From: Dave Casper (dcasper@uci.edu)
Date: Sun Dec 24 2000 - 03:40:07 MET


Each time I try to build Root from the sources, I seem to discover various
tweaks necessary to the recommended procedure.  The following refers to
v3.0, retrieved from the repository.

First, I wonder if the compiler option "-GR" could be added to the default
options for c++ files on Windows.  This enables c++ real-time type
information.  Without this flag, doing a dynamic_cast on a pointer to any
Root class crashes at runtime.  IMO this should be the default without
specifying it (for the VC++ compiler) but since it isn't, it would be
convenient to add it to the default flags in Root.  Actually this is the
main reason I can't use the binary distribution (since it isn't built with
this option).

Second, my big compile dies on the errors:

base/src/TROOT.cxx(1336) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before
base/src/TROOT.cxx(1336) : error C2065: 'ROOTMACROPATH' : undeclared
make: *** [base/src/TROOT.o] Error 2

I'm not 100% sure what ROOTMACROPATH is supposed to be, or how it is
supposed to get set.  It isn't mentioned in the recipe for building the

Thanks for any advice,


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