Hi, I am currently working on an command line interface for the MINOS experiement. I would like to provide users an interactive way to setup, run, and examine reconstruction and analysis jobs. For this I need to accept certain "MINOS specific" commands from the terminal, but would also like to give the users full access to root for histogram plotting etc. etc. One way I thought to do this would be to create a derived class from TRint and replace the HandleTermInput method. This basically works, but is clumsy as I have to copy a lot of code from the TRint class into my own class and lack of access to private data TRint::fNcmd and TRint::fInterrupt is awkward. Would it be possible to provide a method like: virtual int TRint::DerivedProcessLine(const char *s) { return 0; } so the command processing in TRint would look like: if (!this->DerivedProcessLine(s)) ProcessLine(s); Then users could easily extend the TRint interface to command languages beyond rint and cint, but fall back on rint/cint if they are unable to process the commands. Perhaps someone can think of a better way? Thank you, Mark ======================================================================== Mark Messier e-mail: messier@huhepl.harvard.edu Harvard University http://www.hepl.harvard.edu/~messier 42 Oxford Street Tel. (617) 496-2361 Cambridge, MA 02138
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